Graphing Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, and Cosecant Trigonometry Graphing Trigonometric Functions Graphing Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, and Cosecant Key Questions How do you find the asymptotes for the cotangent function? In general, the asymptotes of \cot xcotx are x=n\pix=nπ Where, nn is any integer i.e. n=0, \pm1, \pm2, \pm3, \ldots Questions How do you find the asymptotes for the cotangent function? How do you graph tangent and cotangent functions? How do you Sketch the graph of y=-2+cot(1/3)x over the interval [0, 6pi]? How do you graph y=-3tan(x-(pi/4)) over the interval [-pi, 2pi]? How do you sketch a graph of h(x)=5+frac{1}{2} \sec 4x over the interval [0,2pi]? What is the amplitude, period and frequency for the function y=-1+\frac{1}{3} \cot 2x? How do you graph y = 3 sec(2x)? How do you graph y=tan(2x+pi/4)? What is the domain of y = tan(x) + 2? How do you graph csc(x-pi/2)? How do you graph y=sec(x+4)? How do you graph y = 2cscx - 1? How do you graph y = sec(3x + pi/2)? Are cotangent and negative tangent graphs the same? How do you graph y=1/2sec((pix)/2)? What is the period for csc, sec, and cot? What is the period of y = cot (x-(pi/6)) and how would I graph this? What is the domain of tan(2x)? How do you find domain and range for y= 3 tan x? How do you find the domain of f(x) = tan(x) - 3? What is the domain and range of f(x) = tan(x) - 3? How do you find the domain and range for y=-2sec(.5x)? How do you graph y=csc((pix)/5)? How do you graph f(x)= 2+csc(2x+2)? How do you graph y=2csc[2(x+pi/6)]? How do you graph y= -4 tan x? How do you graph y=2 cot x? How do you graph y=-3 sec x? How do you graph y=2tan3x? How do you graph y= (1/3)tan(x)? How do you graph -2tan3(x - 30) + 1? What is the domain of cotangent? How do you find the domain of inverse trig functions? How do you graph inverse trig functions? How do you find all the asymptotes for function arctan(x^(4)-x^(2))? How do you graph y = 4tan3(x + pi/3) - 6? How do you graph y=tanx? How do you graph y=2tanx? How do you graph y=tan2x? How do you graph y = -tan(x-pi) -3? How do you graph y= tan(x- pi/3)? How do you graph y= tan(x/2) + 1? How do you graph y=5 tanx? How do you graph y=tanx+5? How do you graph 3sec(3x)? How do you graph y= 1/2sin 3 x ? How do you graph y=-cot3x?? How do you graph y = 3/2 cot( pi/2) x ? How do you graph y =cot (x-(pi/6) ? How do you graph y = tan (x + pi/3)? How do you graph y =tan (x - pi/4)? How do you graph y =tan (3x + pi/3)? How do you graph y = cot(x-pi/5)? How do you graph y = -2tan(x+(pi/4))? How do you graph y=2sec(1/2)x? How do you graph y = cos(x- pi/6)? How do you graph y = sin(x -3pi/4)? How do you graph y = 2 + 1/2csc(x - 3pi/4)? How do you graph y = 1 - sinx? How do you graph y = sin(x - π/4) + 2? How do you graph y=1/2 tan(pi/4 x + pi/4)? How do you graph y= 1 + 3 sec(x/2)? How do you find the domain & range for sec theta? What are the important information needed to graph y=2 tan(3pi(x) +4) ? What are the important information needed to graph y= 3tan(2x - pi/3) ? What are the important information needed to graph y= tan (x/2)? What are the important information needed to graph y=tan(2x)? What are the important information needed to graph y = tan (x + pi/3) ? What are the important information needed to graph y = tan (3x + pi/3)? What are the important information needed to graph y = tan (1/3 x)? What are the important information needed to graph y=tan((pi/2)x) ? What are the important information needed to graph y= tan(x- pi/3)? What are the important information needed to graph y= tan(x/2) + 1 ? What are the important information needed to graph y=3tan2x? What are the important information needed to graph y=2cot(3x-pi/2)? How do you graph y=tan(x+90) ? How do you graph y=tan(x-90) ? How do you graph tan(x/2)? How do you graph f(x)=tan[x-pi/4]-2? How do you graph y=cot x ? What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of f(x) = tanx*cscx? How do you graph y = csc x over the interval -6(pi) < x < 0? How do you find the domain and range of y=tan x? How do you graph y=-2 - 3 sin (x - pi)? How do you graph y=-2+3cos(x-pi)? How do you graph y=-2sin3x? How do you graph y=cot(2x-pi/2)? How do you graph y=1/2 tan(x)? How do you graph y=tan (x+(pi/2))? How do you graph y=tan 4x? How do you graph y = tan(3 theta)? How do you graph y=tan((pi/2)x)? How do you graph tan(x/2) + 1? How do you graph y=cot(Θ-π/2)? How do you graph y=csc(2*theta+π)-3? How do you find the domain and range of y=ln(tan^2(x))? How do you find the domain and range of y = -tan(x - pi/2)? How do you find the domain and range of f(x) = ( tan(2x) ) / ( (sin^-1)(x)- pi/3)? How do you find the domain and range of 2 csc x? How do you find the domain and range of tan(cos(x))? How do you find the domain, range, and asymptote for y = 1 - tan ( x/2 - pi/8 )? How do you find the domain, range, and asymptote for y = 3 + 2 csc ( x/2 - pi/3 ) ? How do you find the domain, range, and asymptote for y = 1 + cot ( 3x + pi/2 )? How do you find the domain, range, and asymptote for y = 2 - sec ( 2x - pi/2 )? How do you graph y= -cot(3x - pi/4)? How do you graph y= - 3sec(2pix - pi/4)? How do you find the asymptote for y = csc (4x + pi)? How do you graph y = -cot (pi*x)? What is the domain of y = 2 tan 3x? What is the domain of y=tan^3(x) +3? How do you graph y=-sec2x? How do you graph y=sec x? How do you graph y=sec (x/2)? How do you graph f(x) = sec (pi x)? How do you graph and list the amplitude, period, phase shift for y=tan2theta? How do you graph and list the amplitude, period, phase shift for y=1/2tantheta? How do you graph and list the amplitude, period, phase shift for y=2/3tan(theta/3)? How do you graph and list the amplitude, period, phase shift for y=1/2sectheta? How do you graph and list the amplitude, period, phase shift for y=2csc2theta? How do you graph and list the amplitude, period, phase shift for y=tan(x+60)? How do you graph and list the amplitude, period, phase shift for y=tan(theta-pi/2)-2? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=1/2cscx-pi-1? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=csc(3theta+pi/2)+3? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=-2tan2x+3? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=cot(x-pi/2)? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=sec(1/2)x? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=sec(x-pi/2)? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=tan(2x+pi/2)? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=(1/2)sec2(x-pi/2)+1? How do you graph, identify the domain, range, and asymptotes for y=-2csc2x-1? How do you graph y=2cot4x? How do you graph y=-1/4tan8pix? How do you graph y=csc(x/2)? How do you graph y=secpix? How do you graph y=2secpix? How do you graph y=tan(x-pi/2)? How do you graph y=3csc(pi/2x+pi/2)? How do you graph y=sec(pix/4)? How do you graph y=-2sec((pix)/4-pi/2)? How do you graph y=1+2secx? How do you graph y=csc(2x-pi/2)? How do you graph y=cotx+2? How do you graph y=-cot(2x+pi/2)? How do you graph y=3tan(2x+pi/2)-2? How do you graph y=-tan(x-pi/2)+5? How do you graph y=2sec(3(x-pi/6))+1? How do you graph y=-3cot(1/2(x+pi))-1? How do you graph y=-2csc(2x)+1? How do you graph y=3csc(x-pi/2)-2? How do you graph y=1/2csc(2x)? How do you graph y=-3sec(pi/2x)? How do you graph y=3cot(1/2x)-2? How do you graph y=cscx+3? How do you graph y=5sec(x/2)+2? How do you graph y=-2sec(1/2x)? How do you graph y=csc(x/2)-1? How do you graph y=sec2x-2? How do you graph #y=2secx? How do you graph y=csc(x-45)? How do you graph y=tan(x+(7pi)/6)? How do you graph y=secx+2? How do you graph y=-1+cotx? How do you graph y=cot(x/3+240)? How do you graph y=4csc3(x-pi)? How do you graph y=-2sec(4x+(3pi)/4)+2? How do you graph y=sec(3x-(2pi)/3)-1? How do you graph y=2csc2(x+pi)? How do you graph y=sec(x-pi/4)? How do you graph y=3csc(x+(2pi)/3)? How do you graph y=-2sec2(x+pi)+3? How do you graph y=6csc(3x+(2pi)/3)-2? How do you graph y=5csc3(x-pi)-5? How do you graph y=csc(x+(5pi)/6)+4? How do you graph y=4csc2x? How do you graph y=3csc2(x-(3pi)/4)? How do you graph y=-2tan2x? How do you graph y=4cot(3x-pi/4)-6? How do you graph y=1/2tan(1/2x+pi/4)? How do you graph y=2tan(2x+pi/4)? How do you graph y=2cot(2x+pi/3)+1? How do you graph y=4csc(x+pi/2)? How do you graph y=2cot(x-pi/2)? How do you graph y=2sin(2x+pi/2)+3? How do you simplify tan(x+pi)? How do you graph y=tan(x+pi/2)? How do you graph cscx-4? How do you graph y=sec(1/2(x-pi/2))? How do you graph y=-cscx? How do you graph y=3tanx? How do you graph y=-cot(4x)? How do you graph y=-3cot(1/2x)? How do you graph y=3cot(2x)? How do you graph y=-cot(4pix)? How do you graph y=3csc(pi/2x)? How do you graph y=-2cot(2pix)? How do you identify the period and asympotes for y=tantheta? How do you identify the period and asympotes for y=-tan(pi/2theta)? How do you identify the period and asympotes for y=-2tan(pitheta)? How do you graph two cycles of y=-0.5tan(2theta)? How do you graph two cycles of y=3tantheta? How do you graph two cycles of y=2tan(3theta)? How do you graph two cycles of y=0.5tan(2theta)? How do you graph two cycles of y=-2tan(4theta)? How do you graph two cycles of y=-2.25tantheta? How do you graph y=cot(2theta)? How do you graph y=sec(theta-pi/2)? How do you graph y=-csc3theta? How do you graph y=sectheta+2? How do you graph y=cot(theta+pi)? How do you graph y=sec(1/4theta)? How do you graph y=4cot(1/3t) over the interval [-3pi, 3pi]? How do you graph y=3tan(2pit) over the interval [-1/2, 1/2]? How do you graph y=4tan(pi/2t) over the interval [-2,2]? How do you graph p(t)=1/2cot(pi/4t) over the interval [-4,4]? Question #59981 Question #655ec What is the csc, sec, and cot of point (3,4)? Question #2c848 How do you graph y=15e^(-.25t)cos(1.2pit)? If costheta+csctheta>0, in which quadrant does theta lie? How do you sketch one cycle of y=cscx? How do you sketch one cycle of y=cotx? How do you sketch one cycle of y=sec(2x)? How do you sketch one cycle of y=-cotx? How do you graph y=1/3 tanx and include two full periods? How do you graph y=1/4 tanx and include two full periods? How do you graph y=1/4secx and include two full periods? How do you graph y=csc(pi-x) and include two full periods? How do you graph y=2cot(x+pi/2) and include two full periods? How do you graph y=tan(x/3) and include two full periods? How do you graph y=-tan2x and include two full periods? How do you graph y=-csc(4x-pi) and include two full periods? How do you graph y=0.1tan((pix)/4+pi/4) and include two full periods? How do you graph y=1/3sec((pix)/2+pi/2) and include two full periods? How do you graph to solve the equation on the interval [-2pi,2pi] for tanx=1? How do you graph to solve the equation on the interval [-2pi,2pi] for tanx=sqrt3? How do you graph to solve the equation on the interval [-2pi,2pi] for cotx=-sqrt3/3? How do you graph to solve the equation on the interval [-2pi,2pi] for cscx=sqrt2? How do you graph to solve the equation on the interval [-2pi,2pi] for cscx=-(2sqrt3)/3? How do you use the graph of f(x)=secx to determine whether the function is even, odd or neither? How do you determine graphically and analytically whether y_1=sinxcscx is equivalent to y_2=1? How do you determine graphically and analytically whether y_1=sinxsecx is equivalent to y_2=tanx? How do you determine graphically and analytically whether y_1=cosx/sinx is equivalent to y_2=cotx? How do you determine graphically and analytically whether y_1=sec^2x-1 is equivalent to y_2=tan^2x? How do you graph f(x)=tanx and include two full periods? How do you graph g(t)=2cot2t and include two full periods? How do you graph f(x)=xcosx and include two full periods? Graphing Trigonometric Functions View all chapters Radian Measure Applications of Radian Measure Circular Functions of Real Numbers Translating Sine and Cosine Functions Amplitude, Period and Frequency General Sinusoidal Graphs Graphing Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, and Cosecant Prev