How do you graph y = 3/2 cot( pi/2) x y=32cot(π2)x?

1 Answer
Oct 13, 2015

it is a strait line graph with a very steep positive gradient.

Did you mean y = 3/2 cot[ (pi/2)x] = 3/2 cot((pix)/2)y=32cot[(π2)x]=32cot(πx2) ?


If you did mean that it should be cot((pix)/2)cot(πx2) then this is a very different question!!!
graph of y = 3/2 times cot((pix)/2)y=32×cot(πx2)
Graph is ABR build using EfofEx

Consider the presented question of y= 3/2 times cot(pi/2) times xy=32×cot(π2)×x

3/232 is a constant

pi/2π2 is a constant so cot(pi/2)cot(π2) is also a constant

The result is that xx is multiplied by some constant.

The thing is, are you measuring the angle in degrees or radians?

Note: cot = 1/tan1tan so in effect you have:

y = 3/2 times x/(tan(pi/2)) = (3x)/(2 tan(pi/2))y=32×xtan(π2)=3x2tan(π2)

which may also be written as:

y = 3/(2 tan(pi/2))" " xy=32tan(π2) x

If just degrees then you would be looking at:

y ~= 3/(2 times 0.055...) x

y ~= 54.7 x to 1 decimal place.

If on the other hand you are measuring in radians and we have say (pi " radians")/2 then it is (180^0)/2 -> tan(90^0) which is a problem!!!