How do you graph two cycles of y=3tantheta?

1 Answer
Jul 16, 2018

I Inroduce a method for two-cycle graph, from any x.


The cycle period is pi.

One-cycle graph, from x = a rad is given by the piecewise-inverse

x = a + pi/2 + arctan(y /3), x in ( a , a + pi )

The forward neighbor is given by

x = a + (3/2)pi + arctan (y/3),

x in ( a + pi , a + 2 pi )

A 2-cycle graph,

with a = pi/2, x in ( pi/2, (5/2)pi ) = (1.5708, 7.854 ) : :


See dot plots on the x-axis,

for the double cycle domain x in (1.5708, 7.854 ).

Also, this is in-between two asymptotes, with another in the middle..