Questions asked by Swarna Islam
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Could anyone clearly answer me how does a lethal gene work?
What is mutation?
Please explain me why we use blue cobalt glass in flame test?
Could someone help me to solve the problem?
By which type of bond lipid is formed?
What is the derivative of e^(5ln(tan 5x))e5ln(tan5x)?
d/dx(e^5 ln(tan 5x))?
Could someone help to solve d/dx(ln(e^x(x-1/x+1)^3/2)=?
- another question is is my question?
Please,explain me what is lock and key theory of enzyme?
What is 'Folding of polypeptide chain'?And what is its effect?
Could someone help me to do the mentioned equation,please?
Could someone help me to solve the mentioned problem?
Help me to solve the mentioned problem?
What will be the solution of the mentioned problem?
How I can solve this problem?
What is the solution of the mentioned problem??
What is actually big bang theory??
What is the difference between chiasma and crossing over?
How is it possible that,photon doesn't have mass but it have momentum??
What will be the solution of the mentioned problem??
Could someone help me to find the solution of the mentioned problem?
What is the solution of the mentioned problem?
If, |x+5|<1/2,|x+5|<12, then show that|x^2-25|<21/4∣∣x2−25∣∣<214
Could someone help me to solve the problem?
How can I solve this problem?Please,help.
How can I solve the mentioned problem?Please,help.
What will be the solution of the mentioned problem?
What is dark matter and how scientists understood it's existence?
What is time travel??
What is solution of the mentioned problem?Please,help.
How can I solve the mentioned problem?Please,help.
How can I solve this problem?Please,help.
How to solve the mentioned problem?
What is singularity boundary?
How can I solve this??
How time starts from big bang? does it mean that the universe was static before big bang?
How can I solve the problem?
What is an allele?
What will be the solution the mentioned problem?
What will be the solution of the mentioned problem??
How can I solve the problem?
What will be the solution of the mentioned problem????
What is (dy)/(dx)of xsqrt(1+y)+ysqrt(1+x)=0??
What is (dy)/(dx) of sqrt(y/x)+sqrt(x/y)=sqrta???
Please,someone help to solve the problem?
What is the difference between "Hypha" and "Mycelium" in fungi?
What is the integration of (xdx)/sqrt(1-x)??
What is the integration of (dx)/(x.sqrt(x^3+4))??
What will be the solution of the mentioned problem??
How to solve this problem??
What will be the solution of the mentioned problem??
Please,someone answer me the question??
What is the specific reason that caused world war 2?
In which case we should use I=I_0sinomegat and I_(rms)=I_0/sqrt2 and what is the difference between this two Current for two different equation? Two equations are related to alternating current.
How to solve the problem?
How to solve the problem??
What is quantum theory?
Could anyone solve the problem?
A teacher tactfully makes the students_____________(realize)his mistakes.What should we write down here,realizing or realize and why?
How to prove m=m_0/(sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2)))?
Why is there no impact of pressure on a equilibrium condition when the number of molecule of gas reactant and the number of molecule of gas product are same? What will the theoretical explanation?
How to solve that??int_2^8|5-x|dx=?
Problems with preposition?
Could someone fix these problems?
Prove that: |z_1+z_2+z_3+.......................+z_n|=|z_1|+|z_2|+|z_3|+...............+|z_n|?
root(6)(-64)=?Please,give all the possible answers.
Show that,sqrt(-2+2sqrt(-2+2sqrt(-2+2sqrt(-2+.............))))=1+-i?
*if*x=1/2(-1+isqrt3)andy=1/2(-1-isqrt3)verify that,x^3+y^(-3)=2?
Ifa+b+c=0,show that,(a+bomega+comega^2)^3+(a+bomega^2+comega)^3=27abc?