Life and Death of Stars Astronomy Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies Life and Death of Stars Questions Is it possible for the earth to be sucked into a black hole? If so, what would happen? What is a black hole? What happens to a galaxy when a black hole is formed within it? If you went into a black hole would you end up in another dimension? What makes a black hole black? Could the big bang have started with a black hole exploding? What creates a black hole? Will we ever have the ability to create one? How are black holes formed? Are black holes a theory of science or a fact? What is inside a black hole? What is on the other side of a black hole? If a star explodes while being sucked into a black hole will the explosion have any effect on the black hole? What color is a black hole? If a black hole swallows the earth, would we still be pulled by earth's gravity or would we be pulled by the black hole's gravity? What is the shape of a black hole? Is a black hole 2 dimensional or 4 dimensional? What does a black hole look like? Is it invisible of spherical? Where is the nearest black hole and what is it's name? What is the opposite of a black hole? Is it possible to open a black hole? Are black holes the most dangerous energy forces in our universe? What is the difference between a black hole and a supermassive black hole? How deep is a black hole? How many black holes are located in the Milky Way? How does a black hole form? Why do some dying star form into a white dwarf, while others form into neutron stars or black holes? If black holes are so strong that even light can't escape from the event horizon, then how do we explain the burst of particle jets that escape from the event horizon? Shouldn't these particles be curved back into the center of the mass? How does a stellar core become a black hole? What is the life cycle of a black hole? Why are black holes invisible? How are black holes different from neutron stars? How are black holes related to science? How do black holes affect time? Are black holes capable of bending light? Can black holes die? How are black holes related to physics? Who discovered black holes? When was the first one discovered? Do black holes have a direct effect on earth? If so, how? How can black holes be detected if they are invisible? Do black holes emit radiation? What is a red giant? What causes a red giant to become so large? What is the lifespan of red giant? What is the difference between a supernova and a red giant? What is the life cycle of a red giant star? How big will our sun gets when it becomes a red giant? In the life cycle of a star, how does a red giant become a planetary nebula? Why do red giant stars form? What is the difference between a red giant star and our sun? What type of fusion occurs in the red giant phase of the star life cycle? How do we know? How long does the red giant phase of a star last? What are the differences between red giants, white dwarfs and nebulas? What are the characteristics of a red giant star? How does a star become a red giant? How big are red giants? How is their size determined? Why is it important to know the size of a red giant star? How can a red giant become brighter? How do red giants become white dwarfs? How do red giants die? How and why do red giants become so large? Why were red giants named so? How hot do red giants get? How does this compare to our sun? Why are red giants cooler than other stars? Why do red giants expand? Why do red giants form? Why is a red giant bright but cool? Why is a red giant star big? Why is betelgeuse considered a red giant? Why is a red giant red in color? Why is it theorized that our sun will become a red giant? Are red giants, white dwarfs, and blue giants part of the same cycle? On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, where would we find red giant stars? In astronomy, what is a quark? What does it mean when a star dies? Are there any known lone stars not contained within a galaxy? Why are recent observations of distant supernovae so important to cosmology? Are there any galaxies that lack a black hole? What is an accretion disk, and how does one form? How do accretion disks form? If the accretion process of planet formation was still going on in the solar system, how would life on earth be different? How would life be different? What is the Chandrasekhar limit? Are the ergosphere and accretion disk the same thing? Why wouldn't an accretion disk orbiting a giant star get as hot as an accretion disk orbiting a compact object? What is the importance of accretion in the formation of solar system? According to the nebular theory, how did the Oort cloud form? Which internal energy source produces heat by converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy? What is an accretion disc? How are black holes identified? Suppose that two stars are separated in the sky by 0.1 arcsecond. If you look at them with a telescope that has an angular resolution of 0.5 arcsecond, what will you see? How did the accretion of galaxies and stars occur? What is an accretion jet in black holes? Does a black hole's accretion disk spin clockwise or counterclockwise? How does black dwarf differ from a white dwarf? How abundant are black dwarfs? How big are black dwarfs? How do black dwarfs die? How do we know black dwarfs exist? What is the difference between black and white dwarfs? How long does the black dwarfs stage last? How many black dwarf stars are there estimated to be? How many black dwarfs are there in the universe? How many known black dwarfs exist? What are black dwarfs made of? What does a black dwarf look like? What does black dwarf mean? What is a black dwarf and how is it formed? What is a black dwarf made of? Why are black dwarfs hypothetical at this point? Why are black dwarfs not on the hr diagram? Why are black dwarfs virtually invisible? What are black dwarfs? What is a black dwarf star? Does it have proven existence or is it hypothetical? What would the surface temperature of a black dwarf be? What happens when the sun becomes a Black Dwarf? When will this take place in the future? Is it possible that a black dwarf is undetected in our solar system and could impact earth? Can a black dwarf be seen? Why or why not? What are black dwarf stars primarily composed of? How does a star become a black dwarf? What is the temperature range of a black dwarf star? How do astronomer determine the temperature of a black dwarf star? What are dwarf stars? Which stage follows the white dwarf stage of star development? Which phase of the life cycle of a star is near its end? Why would an isolated black hole be hard to locate? How do black holes relate to Newton's law of universal gravitation? How do black holes relate to the formation of galaxies? How would a black hole affect earth? What effect does a black hole have on matter? How does a black hole affect space? How would a black hole effect us? How does a black hole change over time? Does a black hole change time? How does a black hole effect light? How does a black hole have an affect on time? How are black holes related to galaxies? What happens if a black hole dies? What happens in a supermassive black hole? What would happen if someone entered a black hole? What would it feel like to be inside a black hole? Are there wormholes in black holes? What happens if a person were to go into a black hole? What are theories about matter that goes into a black hole? What happens if a black hole collides with a star? Why do things that enter a black hole disappear? What happens to that mass once it goes into the hole and why can't we see it anymore? What happens to the matter consumed by a black hole? What would we theoretically find if we were able to enter a black hole? How do we know what happens at the event horizon of a black hole? Was a black hole the starting point of the universe? What keeps chemical reactions from taking place in a black hole as it attracts objects into it? How would the appearance of a star field change if a black hole comes between you and the center of the star field? What is a star field? What is the circumference of a black hole? How does supermassive black hole differ from a black hole? Do supermassive black holes cause galaxy rotation? How do supermassive black holes form? How do astronomers measure the mass of a supermassive black hole? What are supermassive black holes? Why are supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies? What observational evidence suggests that supermassive black holes might be located at the centers of many galaxies? What are the main differences between stellar black holes and supermassive black holes? How do you calculate the mass of a supermassive black hole? How do supermassive black holes work? What evidence indicates that a supermassive black hole is located at the center of our Galaxy? Where do we find supermassive black holes in the universe? Why do astronomers hypothesize that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Why do galaxies have black holes at the center? What is the size and mass of a supermassive black hole ? If over billions of years of time and many collisions with other galaxies, would the collection of supermassive black hole be enough to destroy all the mass of the billion of years of collected stars? What evidence do we have for the existence of black holes? What is the diameter or radius of a supermassive black hole? Is it possible to measure the density of a supermassive black hole? Will a supermassive black hole in our galaxy swallow our solar system? How big is the black hole at the center of our galaxy? How much does a black hole weigh? What effects will a supermassive black hole have on our sun in the near future? Is there anything bigger than a supermassive black hole? How long would it take for a black hole to consume the Earth? When will the earth and/or solar system see direct effects of being in close proximity to a black hole? How does accretion disk differ from a galaxy? How are accretion disks detected? Why are accretion disks flat? Why do accretion disks spin? What is the most common classification of stars in the universe? What is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and why is it so important to astronomy research? Where do we find white dwarfs on the H–R diagram? How big are dwarf stars? What is their life span? Their brightness? Do white dwarfs give off light? If so, how are they fueling such light, and do they ever run out of light? If not, how do we find them in the night sky? What is the comparison between a white dwarf and a neutron star? Which of these stellar corpses is more common? Why? What are black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars? Why are there so many dwarf stars (red and white) among the nearest stars, but none among the brightest stars? How is a red dwarf formed? Some astronomers have suggested that cooled white dwarf are made of diamond. Why might it be impractical to mine them? What is the composition of a white dwarf or neutron star and why does it still shine? Are brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, and neutrons stars kept from collapsing by degeneracy pressure? Are red dwarfs red in color? Is that why they received their name? If you could take a close up picture of one what would it look like in comparison to our sun? How does a white dwarf star generate energy? Why is a white dwarf hotter than a red giant star? Which is bigger: the white dwarf or the red giant? Why are white dwarf stars called so? What mechanism does an isolated white dwarf use to generate energy? What is a white dwarf made of and how does it support its own weight? Does its temperature make any difference? What will eventually happen to a white dwarf? How many white dwarf stars are there in the Milky Way Galaxy? How old are the white dwarf stars in our galaxy? Approximately how many white dwarfs are there in the universe? Do red dwarfs eventually become white dwarfs? What is the approximate surface temperature of the sun? Are there stars outside the White Dwarfs, Main Sequence, and Giant and Supergiant? if so, what are they called? Does the white dwarf star rotate? What is the temperature of a white dwarf star? When is a star considered a white dwarf? Is it true that light escaping from white dwarfs will show a gravitational redshift? How can dwarfs stars be so bright? How can white dwarfs be both hot and dim? What is a nebula? What is a nebula? How does it form a protostar? What is a planetary nebula? Why are nebulae important? What are the different types of nebulae? What are spiral nebulae? How did they get their name? What is a planetary nebula made of? What types of stars end their lives with supernovae? What is bigger: a globular cluster or a nebula? Where have astronomers observed the solar nebula? What causes an emission nebula? What are the differences between a nebula and a planetary nebula? What kind of object is the horsehead nebula? What is the difference between a planetary nebula and a normal nebula? What is a planetary nebula? Why do many planetary nebulae appear as rings? What is the temperature of a nebula? How can a nebula can become unstable? How big can a nebula become? How can a dark nebula be seen? How do nebulae affect earth? How do nebulae get their color? How does a nebula change into a protostar? How does a nebula become a star? How does a nebula differ from a galaxy? How is a nebula related to star formation? How long can a nebula live? What are some examples of a nebula? What is a nebula cloud? What is a supernova? What do supernovas produce? What is the difference between a type I and type II supernovas? How does a supernova form? How does the pulsation of stars relate to their distance from earth? How is the Cepheid yardstick validated? What method do scientists use to tell how far a galaxy is from earth? How do you calculate the distance between earth and a star? How was Edwin Hubble able to use his discovery of a Cepheid in Andromeda to prove that a spiral nebulae were actually individual galaxies? How is distance to cepheid variables estimated? Why can’t we determine the distances to galaxies using the geometric method of trigonometric parallax ? How is the distance between two stars measured? Which of the nuclear fuels does a one solar mass star use over the course of its entire evolution? Why are pulsating variable stars useful for finding distances to globular clusters? What is the life cycle of a star? What types of stars are Polaris, Kocab, Pherkad and Yildun in the Little Dipper? Are they Cepheids? How can astronomers measure distances directly to worlds like Venus, Mars, the Moon, or the satellites of Jupiter? How can we find the distance to a star that is too distant to have a measurable parallax? Why are variable stars important? What do they tell us? What is stellar equilibrium? What is the relationship between stellar temperature, radius, and luminosity? What is a high mass star? How is stellar equilibrium finally reached? What is the definition of a G2 star? What is a binary star system? What is the key observation needed to determine whether a compact object in question is a neutron star or a black hole? What are the stages of star development? A stellar object is emitting radiation at 3.35 mm? If the detector is capturing 3.2×10^8 photons per second at this wavelength, what is the total energy of the photons detected in one hour? What is the order of the stellar spectral classes? What is the neutrino problem? Is it significant when stars form in clusters? Why or why not? How is a star's apparent brightness related to its luminosity? How is this related to the inverse square law? What is the solar magnetic cycle? What is Algol Paradox and its resolution? Why can the lives of close binary stars differ from those of single stars? What important roles does the supernovae play in the universe? What is found in the center of the Crab nebula? What makes a nebula planetary and what makes a nebula diffuse? Is there any way to tell if they are Diffuse or Planetary just by looking at a picture? What are some Diffuse Nebulae? What are some Planetary Nebulae? What is stellar magnitude? What might indicate a black hole is present? Where are novae believed to occur? What is a neutron star? How is most of a star's total life spent? What happens to a star when all the hydrogen has been converted to helium? Why can astronomers conclude that star formation is occurring in regions like Orion Nebula? What are T Tauri stars? What happens to a star's nuclear energy generation change if the core decreases in temperature? Which stellar property has the most influence when classifying stars? What is the mass and size of a white dwarf? What do supernovas create? How many supernovas have been discovered? If a supernova happens when a giant star uses up its fuel, how are new stars created? If all the hydrogen is gone how would a new star emerge from the debris of a star that has used all its fuel? Are there any stars close to Earth with the potential to supernova? If stars can form from the explosion of other stars, then why doesn't all the matter in the universe collect together continuously and explode? When was the most recent visible supernova? What percentage of supernovas destroy other stars in a multiple star system? What would happen if a supernova exploded in space? What would it do to us? Why are Supernovas important for the development of life? Why are Supernovas important to life on earth? What would happen if the sun went supernova? How are supernovas and neutron stars related to each other? Do scientists know how many supernovae are occurring per second or hour or day in our entire universe? When will our star explode in a supernova? What are supernovae caused by? How are supernovas studied? How can a supernova be used to measure distance? How do supernovae recycle matter? How do supernovae begin? How do supernovae work? How does a supernova affect humans? How does a supernova differ from our sun? How does supernova affect earth? How does supernova change the universe? What are supernovas made of? What event marks the birth of a stars? How do the birth and death of stars occur? Are they rare happenings? What are the stages of star birth and star death? What stage comes after the birth of a star? What is the life cycle of a star from birth to death? Why does the temperature climb in a birth of a star as more mass is drawn into the core? What does nuclear fusion have to do the death and birth of stars? How long does the birth of a star take? What is required for a star to be born? Is this theory or law? What is the process by which a star is born? Is it true that the more massive a star is at birth, the longer its life is? How does a larger star differ to a small one in the life cycle? What is the birth of a star called? How is a star born? What causes the birth of a star? What does the birth of a star look like? What is the average lifespan of a star? Do stars have hydrogen and helium or hydrogen alone on its birth? What is a newly formed star referred to as? Imagine you could watch a star cluster from the time of its birth to an age of 13 billion years. What you would see happening during that time? Why does the H-R diagram look different for star clusters of different ages? What determines whether a star will evolve into a white dwarf, a black hole or a neutron star? What is the difference in the fate of a small star and a very massive star? What is a progenitor star? What is the definition of a high mass star? How is the death of a very large star different from the death of a small star? What is the defining point in the death of a star? What is stellar evolution? What are the stages of the death of a star? Are they different for different types of stars? What determines the death of a star? What’s the difference between a main sequence star and a neutron star? What is the difference in life cycles of a star that starts with a nebula and forms a black hole when in dies compared to a star that ends as a black dwarf? What is the next stage in a star's life after the main-sequence phase? What happens at the death of a massive star? How does the death of a massive star differ from the death of a sun-like star? What formed the Crab Nebula? What formed the Crab Nebula? What formed the Crab Nebula? What happens to stars once they have used up all their hydrogen? Will the light emitted by star be visible even if it has died? Which explanation of the solar system best fits the observations of the planets and how they orbit the sun? What are the similarities and difference between the elements in an early protostar and those in a young star formed from the stardust of older stars? Which type of radiation would you look for in a star to demonstrate that nuclear fusion was occurring inside? What are the two major forces that act on a star? What kind of object would best be identified by a periodic Doppler shift in a star’s spectrum along with a dip in the star’s light intensity? What type of star creates a supernova when it dies? What happens to planets after a star dies? How the atmosphere, hydrosphere, solid Earth, and biosphere are each related to the death of a star that occurred billions of years ago? Which is the nearest star to us that could go supernova? What would that event look like from earth? Are all stars part of a galaxy? Is a yellow star, such as the sun, hotter or cooler than an orange star? What is the average lifespan of a star? What physical law explains why matter flowing from the companion star orbits rapidly as nears the black hole? Why do astronomers believe that the engine at the center of a quasar is a supermassive black hole? What are the beams light we see around black holes? Why do stars pulsate and how does the pulse tell us the distance to the star? Why does a pulsar star pulse? What is the life cycle of a star? How does a star change over its life cycle? How does a star life cycle begin? How does gravity affect a star's life cycle? How does mass affect a star life cycle? How does the life cycle of a star relate to the mass of the elements that it produces? What is the life cycle of a star? What is the life cycle of a massive star? How do the gasses and densities of a star change of its life time? What are the stages in the life cycle of a small star? How does gravity affect the life cycle of stars? How does it start and end the life of a massive star? What are the life cycles for small, large and extra large stars? What is the life cycle of the Vega star? What is the life cycle of a supermassive star? How does a star's temperature change as the star ages from a main sequence star to a red giant and from a red giant to a white dwarf? What elements are present in a star? How do they interact in order to form light and heat? What is the life cycle of a star that becomes a white dwarf? What is the end stage for a star? Which factors are most likely to influence whether a star eventually ends up as a neutron star or as a black hole? How long does each stage of a star's life last? What elements are made when a star forms? What elements are needed in order for a star to form? How many types of stars exist? Would Proxima Centauri become a Black Hole? What processes affect the life of a star? How does a star's life begin? What is the life expectancy of a 16-solar mass star? How does the initial mass of a star affect its final outcome? What characteristics of stars determine the length of a star's life? What are the main differences between the life cycle of a high mass and a low mass star? How does gravity affect the life cycle of stars? Are black holes responsible for giving a galaxy its shape? What is a star system? If the sun and stars are supported by gas pressure, what supports a neutron star? What is the definition of a black hole? When was the first black hole discovered? If black holes are invisible how do we know they exist? Are black holes large vacuums in space? Are black holes just super-dense cores created from the star core collapsing in on itself? Why would an isolated black hole in space be difficult to detect? What do we mean when we say that a black hole is like a hole in spacetime? What is the densest thing in the universe? What happens when something goes into a black hole? Does the speed of light change near a black hole? Where do objects go when they enter a black hole? What is the name of our nearest black hole? What is the so-called Schwarzschild-Radius of a Black Hole? Is a black hole's escape velocity greater than the speed of light? How does a black hole occur? Given the following information, what is the density of the black hole in g/cm^3? Have any Black holes actually been observed? If scientists can't actually see black holes how are they studied? The black hole in the galaxy M82 has a mass about 500 times the mass of our Sun. It has about the same volume as Earth's moon. What is the density of this black hole? How far is the nearest black hole to earth and does it pose a threat? Can a celestial object orbit a black hole? How do scientists define black holes? What defines a black holes size? Question #3249b Question #7b5f4 What 2 characteristics of stars are shown in an H-R diagram? How is a protostar different from a star? How does the life cycle of a massive star differ from the life of an average star? The more massive a star is, the hotter it has to burn because? What factors are most likely to influence whether the star eventually ends up as a neutron star or as a black hole? What is the life cycle of a super massive star? Why does a massive star turn into a red super giant? Is the lifetime of a massive star shorter or longer than a star like the Sun? Does light bend when it passes a massive star? Which type of star live longer: a super massive star or a less massive star? What is the time span for a life cycle of a massive and average star? When does a massive star become a supernova? Which is the most massive type of star? What theory supported that the collapse of a massive star's iron core produces neutrinos? What determines the path a supernova takes, either as a neutron star or a black hole? What does a super massive stars end up as? How does a black hole form from a massive star? Is it true that In a binary system, the more massive stars always stay closer to the center of mass and move slower? What are the significant differences between the life and eventual fate of a massive star and an average-sized star such as the sun? How does a massive star die? How do massive stars end their life cycle? How do massive stars evolve? How do massive stars produce energy? How long does it take most massive stars end their life? How long do massive stars last? How long do massive stars live? How massive are stars? How massive can a star be? How massive can a star get? How are massive stars born? Why do massive stars die? How will a massive star change at the end of the main stable period? What causes a massive star to explode? What causes a massive star to explode as a supernova? What do massive stars become? What happens to massive stars? What happens to massive stars when they die? What happens when massive stars die? What causes a supernova? Question #c09dc Question #bed34 Where are main sequence stars located on the H-R diagram? How much Iron is required to kill a star? When a star explodes, does their energy only reach Earth by the light that they transmit? How much energy does one star give off when it explodes and how much of that energy hits Earth? What happens to that energy? When do stars form? How do nebula form stars? If all the hydrogen is already fused by the dead star. how are new stars are born with a fresh supply of hydrogen? How do clusters of stars form? How many stars make up a globular cluster? How do various elements form in stars? How does a star form? How do stars form? Are they hot or cold? How do stars form into a constellation? How do stars form from the remains of supernova? How do stars form and how can they die? How do stars form themselves? How does the reaction in the centre of each star start? What are white dwarf stars and how do they form? Would a new star slowly begin to brighten or would it be like flipping on a light switch? Do stars grow during their lifetime by consuming matter, or are they more or less their final size when born? How are red dwarf stars formed? What forms stars? In a main sequence star the gravity of the core is balanced by the outward pressure of the heat created by fusion of hydrogen atoms, maing it stable. So when the hydrogen is used up, does the star expand to form a red giant because the outward pressure? How does a star form from a nebula? How are new stars formed? How do stars create elements heavier than iron? How do black holes form? How were stars like the sun formed? If the initial interstellar cloud in star formation has a mass sufficient to form hundreds of stars, how does a single star form from it? What are 6 stages of how a star forms? How does a super nova form? How long does it take for a star to form? Have we seen stars form? What does iron do in the stars and sun? What is irons function in stars? Does a nebula become a star? When does a nebula become a star? How does a red supergiant form a supernova? If space is a vacuum, then how do stars burn without oxygen? Is there a Black Hole on Saturn? What is a black hole made from? Do black holes ever go away? Do black holes die? Do black holes have a life span? What happens if you get sucked into a black hole? Can a black hole be created on Earth? Is it possible to create an environment in which a black hole can be created? Has any one ever seen a black hole with a naked eye or through a telescope? What does a black hole lead to? What is a black hole? Can humans travel inside a black hole? Does a black whole affect light? Does a black whole affect gravity? What is the chance of a black hole hitting the earth? What is on the other side of a black hole? Can it take you somewhere? What is behind a black hole? Do black holes transport you to other dimensions? How big are black holes? What will happen to black holes when the universe is no longer expanding? Has anyone ever observed a black hole or are they only theories? What happens to the matter that falls into a black hole? What would happen to water in a black whole? What do you think would happen if a black hole and a white hole collide? Some people say that it is possible for a blackwhole to evaporate, if so then where does all the matter that fell into it go? If black holes can swallow entire planets and stars, where do the planets and stars go? If a black hole swallows the earth, would we still be pulled by earth's gravity or would we be pulled by the black hole's gravity? How far away is the closest black hole to Earth? What would happen if you were to get sucked into a black hole? Is it possible to send a camera into a black hole? If we could send a camera into a blackhole, what would we see? Is there an opposite to a black hole? Is there a blackhole in the middle of the Earth? What is a red giant star? Why does a red giant become big? Why do red giant stars produce energy? When a star enters the red giant stage what does it begins to convert in its core? Does a red supergiant have much more or less gravity than there is on Earth? How does a star become a red supergiant? How long does it take for a typical star that has no more hydrogen to become a red giant? How would you compare a red giant to our sun? Are red giants dimmer than when they were main sequence stars? Are red giants cooler than when they were main sequence stars? Are red giants smaller than when they were main sequence stars? Which type of fusion occurs in the red giant phase? Which elements are formed during the red supergiant stage of a big star? Where are red giant stars found? Why are there many more Main-Sequence stars than Red Giants? How long do red giants and supergiants last? What happens to make a red giant star redder than a main sequence star? What are the differences between red giant, white dwarf and nebula? What happens to a star after it becomes a supernova? What causes a red giant star's luminosity? How does a red giant become a white dwarf? In a main sequence star the gravity of the core is balanced by the outward pressure of the heat created by fusion of hydrogen atoms, maing it stable. So when the hydrogen is used up, does the star expeand to form a red giant because the outward pressure? What would a red giant star most likely have a temperature of? Why do red giant stars have low temperatures? What makes an ordinary star become a red giant? Why are giant and supergiant stars rare? During nuclear fusion in a red giant star, when a hydrogen atom with 1 proton is fused with a nitrogen atom with 7 protons, what will the resulting atom be? What can a star become from a red giant, and then what after that? A red giant star has a temperature of 3,000 K and a luminosity 10^5 solar luminosities. How do you calculate the radius of the red giant in terms of the radius of the sun? What are some properties of red giant stars? Do black holes really exist? What is the temperature of Spica? What is the difference between antimatter and dark matter? As a star ages, does the ratio of He atoms to H atoms in its composition become larger, smaller, or remain constant? Closest Luna Looks Super. From the data on record over centuries, how do you prove that the so-far-largest Super Moon was nearly 1.14 times the so-far-smallest, in diameter, and 1.30 times, in area of the disc? Question #2ddcd What is a star that has collapsed under gravity to the point that the electrons and protons have smashed together to form neutrons? Question #584c9 What is a black hole? Question #42042 Question #4310c Question #b3594 If the nearest star to us went supernova what effect would it have on earth, how long would it take to reach us? Is a black hole still considered a star? What does the mass of a black hole need to be in order for its mass divided by its volume to be equal to the density of water (1g/cm^3)? What does it mean when three stars are aligned in an horizontal pattern? If a star is brighter, does that mean that it is hotter? What instrument does an astronomer use to determine the spectrum of a star? Why is using this instrument better than using only a telescope to view the spectrum? A stable star is in gravitational equilibrium. What does this mean? Why are stars visible in the sky at night? Is every star a sun? Is every star a different galaxy? What is chromatic aberration? What is the name of any star smaller than the sun? Approximately, what basic composition are all stars born with? On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, where would we find stars that have the largest radii? Question #8b3ec Question #ef82d Where are heavier element produced? Question #c403e What is formed by condensation of interstellar gas? How do scientists calculate and measure a stars mass, temperature, and elements? What happenes to a star's mass and gravity when it dies? How does looking at a spectrum tell us what a star is made of? How do stars evolve from their birth to their death? What is the brightest star that we can see in the night sky? During the late stages of a star's life, what causes the star to expand into a red giant/supergiant, then explode into a nebula or supernova? Do black holes grow? Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies View all chapters Life and Death of Stars Quasars and Galactive Collisions Stellar Parallax Cepheid Variables Our Galaxy: The Milky Way Next