How can we find the distance to a star that is too distant to have a measurable parallax?

1 Answer
Apr 26, 2016

If m is visual magnitude of a star, M is the absolute magnitude and d its distance from us, M=m-5 log (d/10)M=m5log(d10).


Brightness faints in proportion to square of the distance.

Brightness is measured from light from the star.

With the notations m for visual magnitude, M for absolute magnitude and d for the distance of the star from the observer,
the distance is 10^s10s parsec, where s is given by

s = 1 + 0.2 (m - M).

This could be modified as

M = m - 5 log (d/10)M=m5log(d10),

using d = 10^s, and so, s = log d.d=10s,andso,s=logd..

Comparison with other stars is also useful. The formula used is

M_1-M_2=100^(1/5)(L_1/L_2)M1M2=10015(L1L2), L being luminosity, with L = 1 for Sun.

For comparison with Sun, M_1=4.83, m_1=-26.74 and L_1=1M1=4.83,m1=26.74andL1=1.

Pogson's ratio 100^(1/5)=2.5119310015=2.51193, nearly.

Madras ( now Chennai) based Pogson/s research in 19th century is quite relevant..


I think that I have paved the way for further studies, by the interested readers. .
