What is the life cycle of a star from birth to death?

1 Answer
Dec 13, 2015

the smaller the starting mass of a star is, the longer it will live


In the clouds of dust and gases, nebula. Hydrogen atoms forms a spinning cloud of gas and eventually pulls more hydrogen gas to the spinning cloud. As it spins, hydrogen atoms start to collide with each other and hydrogen gas heats up. When this reaches 15,000,000^@C nuclear fusion begins and causes to form a new star or protostar.

Once a protostar forms its life cycle is fixed.

Medium-sized star rarrred giant or super giant

if a star started with a small massrarr main-sequence starsrarrwhite dwarfrarrblack dwarf

if a star is a low mass red giantrarrwhite dwarf rarrblack dwarf (dead star)

if a star is super massiverarr super red giantrarrsupernova very high massrarrBlack Hole

if a star is massive red giantrarrsupernova high massrarrneutron star

Remember that after a supernova, another nebula will form. Neutron stars and blackholes are the core of a star.
