Quasars and Galactive Collisions Astronomy Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies Quasars and Galactive Collisions Questions How are quasars formed? Are quasars galaxies or fast moving stars? Do quasars travel at the speed of light? Why are there no nearby, or in other words, young quasars? How is the luminosity of a quasar generated? Are quasars dangerous? Are there any Hubble Telescope pictures of quasars or have they only been detected by radio telescopes? What is the distance to the farthest known quasar from earth? What are other names for quasars? Can a quasar die? Why are quasars small? If a quasar is an extreme emission of light, what is actually creating the light? How are black holes and quasars related? Is there a quasar located in our galaxy? How does a quasar differ from a galaxy? What allows a quasar to escape a black hole? Can we physically see a quasar? If so, how? How do quasars die? How do quasars differ from stars? How do quasars emit energy? How do quasars escape black holes? How do quasars form? Do quasars produce energy? What causes a quasar to die? How were quasars discovered? What do quasars look like? What does quasar mean? What enables quasars to be so bright? Why do quasars have large redshifts? How can galaxies collide in an expanding universe? What is meant by galaxies that are "interacting?" A region of the galaxy where new stars are forming-contains a very tenuous gas with 100 atoms/cm^3. This gas is heated to 7500 K by ultraviolet radiation from nearby stars. What is the Gas Pressure in ATM? Which would be more likely to collide: stars with stars or galaxies with galaxies? What is the the difference between a quasar and a galaxy? How fast do quasars travel? What are quasars and blazars? What is the difference between a blazar and a quasar? What is a quasar in space? What is a quasar? What is their importance? What is the distance of a quasar from earth? What causes a quasar for form? What are quasars, pulsars, and radio waves in space? How big are quasars in comparison to the sun? Why are blazars so full of energy? A quasar consumes 1 solar mass of material per year, converting 15 percent of it directly into energy. What is the quasar's luminosity, in solar units? Why are blazars important for astronomers to study? What is the difference between a nebula, quasar and red giant? What is the difference between quasars, pulsars and neutron stars? What is believed to be the energy generator for a quasar? The hydrogen Balmer line of quasar 3C273 is observed to have a wavelength of 563.9 nm. The laboratory hydrogen Balmer line is known to be 486.1 nm. What is the speed at which this quasar is moving away from us expressed in meters per second? What evidence is there that quasars are small? How do quasars differ from galaxies? What is a galaxy that was once a quasar is likely have? How much energy do quasars give off? What two things does the engine of a quasar contain? Are pulsars related to quasars? Suppose you suspected a certain object in the sky to be a quasar. What observations would you need to confirm your hypothesis? What is the main reason why astronomers think that quasars are black holes? How is the energy emitted by a quasar measured? Why do some quasars have redshifts greater than 1? How would two galaxies in collision produce a supermassive black hole or quasar? How bright are quasars in comparison to our sun? What is the composition of a quasar compared to a star or nebula? What are the important components of a quasar's structure? What is the difference between a black hole and a quasar? What is the difference between a seyfert galaxy and a quasar? Why do astronomers think that quasars are relatively short-lived phenomena? What evidence do we have that supports that quasars are the nuclei of very distant galaxies? If quasars are supermassive black holes at the center of young galaxies what happens to them? How could they disappear? What is the relationship between a quasar, black hole, and a singularity? What objects in the night sky are brighter than stars? Since quasars are radio sources, but highly red shifted, what actual frequencies were originally emitted? How are quasars and supernovae different? How far away is the nearest quasar? What are the similarities and differences between pulsars, quasars, white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes? A certain quasar recedes from Earth at 0.55 c. A jet of material ejected from the quasar toward the Earth moves at 0.13 c relative to the quasar. How do you find the speed of the ejected material relative to Earth? Why do the spectra of quasars imply that they are extremely distant objects? What is the origin of a star cluster, quasars, and pulsars? How does a quasars differ from other celestial bodies? How are quasars different from regular galaxies? How can we see quasars? How do quasars affect us? How do quasars and active galaxies differ from normal galaxies? Do quasars emit energy? Do quasars emit light? How do quasars get their energy? How do quasars work? How long to quasars last? How many quasars are there in the universe? How many quasars are in the Milky Way? How are quasars found? What causes galaxies to collide? Which would be more likely to collide, stars with stars or galaxies with galaxies? Question #a2a6d Question #565ca Why do galaxies collide if the universe is expanding? What happens after two galaxies collide? Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies View all chapters Life and Death of Stars Quasars and Galactive Collisions Stellar Parallax Cepheid Variables Our Galaxy: The Milky Way Prev Next