Is 36 a perfect square?

1 Answer
Jul 23, 2015

Yes. 36=6^236=62


Perfect squares are natural numbers mm such that there is another natural number nn with the property that n^2=mn2=m.

The first twenty perfect squares are:

1^2=112=1, 2^2=422=4, 3^2=932=9, 4^2=1642=16, 5^2=2552=25, 6^2=3662=36, 7^2=4972=49, 8^2=6482=64, 9^2=8192=81, 10^2=100102=100, 11^2=121112=121, 12^2=144122=144, 13^2=169132=169, 14^2=196142=196, 15^2=225152=225, 16^2=256162=256, 17^2=289172=289, 18^2=324182=324, 19^2=361192=361, and 20^2=400202=400.