Digestive System Anatomy & Physiology Digestive and Excretory Systems Digestive System Questions In what organ is the waste from the digestion process collected for eventual disposal? What organs are affected by diverticulitis? What are the names of the tissue layers of the stomach? What are dimensions of the small intestine? What are reasons to explain why the small intestine is so long, compared to the large intestine? Where does the process of digestion begin? Are nutrients absorbed from the large intestine? How do nutrients, absorbed by the small intestine, travel to the individual cells of the human body? Is the pH of the small intestine lower or higher than that of the stomach? Why is the pH of the small intestine not the same as that of the stomach? Why is the stomach such a muscular organ? How is the stomach lining adapted to its function? When a portion of the intestines do not have adequate blood flow, what causes sepsis to occur? The villi of the small intestine contain many capillaries. Why are the capillaries so important? What is the name of the process of in which nutrients move across the surface cells of the villi into the blood? What causes ulcerations in the small intestine? Are these conditions hereditary? How does food travel from the stomach into the small intestine? How does the hepatic portal system receive blood from the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine? What is an enzyme found in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine? What is the function of this enzyme? What is the difference between the alimentary canal and the digestive system? What are the seven sphincters found in the gastrointestinal tract? What is a gastrointestinal transit? What role does the skin play in proper calcium absorption from the digestive tract? The barium ion is toxic to humans. However, barium sulfate is commonly used as an image enhancer for gastrointestinal x-rays. What does this imply about the position of the equilibrium shown below? BaSO4 Ba+2 + SO4-2? How is glucose absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract? How are blood glucose levels maintained? What two structures in the gastrointestinal tract are connected at the cardiac orifice? Is movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract aided mostly by pressure from more food, by gravity, or by smooth muscles? How would the gastrointestinal tract be affected if the pancreas were severely damaged? What type of nutrients does the lymph system collect from the gastrointestinal tract? Are the ureters capable of peristalsis like that which occurs in the gastrointestinal tract? Is squamous epithelial tissue found inside the cheeks and stratified columnar tissue found in the small and large intestines? Does the skin produce hormones that are essential for proper calcium absorption from the digestive tract, or does it produce calcitriol? If not, what role does the skin play in the process of calcium absorption? Is there a difference between the digestive tract and the gastrointestinal tract? Does multiple sclerosis affect the gastrointestinal system? What part of the GI tract secretes insulin and chymotrypsinogen? Does yeast infection in the GI system cause irritable syndrome? How can a person get rid of yeast in the GI tract? What causes mucus in bowel movements? Is the rectum a major organ of the digestive system or an accessory organ? Is the pharynx an accessory organ? Are there 5 sphincters in the digestive tract or 7? What is the name for the series of smooth muscle contractions which move food through the digestive tract? What steps can you take to help your GI tract function at its best? What is another name for the GI tract that begins with an "A", the third letter is "I", it is 15 letters long and it might be more than one word? Which parts of the human gastrointestinal tract produces digestive enzymes? What is the largest organ in the digestive system? Why would the digestive tract be considered outside of the body? If the mouth has enzymes to digest starch, what are the functions of other enzymes in the digestive tract? Is pepper harmful to the GI tract? What are two examples of lymphatic tissue in the gastrointestinal tract? What role does the liver play in digestion? The small intestine exists as a series of folds and coils. What might be the advantage of such a configuration? What is the name of a hormone released in the small intestine that stimulates the pancreas to release digestive juices and the gallbladder to release bile? What is the purpose of the microvilli of the small intestine? How does bile get to the small intestine? How do the enzymes produced by the pancreas get to the small intestine? How is the small intestine specialized for absorption? How does the length of the small intestine relate to its function in absorbing nutrients? In which part of the digestive system do the final stages of digestion occur? What are two structural features of the small intestine that add to its absorptive capacity? How long is the small intestine in comparison to the large intestine? Protein digestion only occurs in what organs of the gastrointestinal tract? How long is the duodenum? What is its primary job? What is the name of the middle part of the small intestine? What is the name of the first part of the small intestine? What controls the entry of food into the first part of the small intestine? What is the function of lacteal in the small intestine? Why is the small intestine coiled? Why does the wall of the small Intestine need a large surface area? What carries glucose from the small intestine to other parts of the body? What is the function of the pyloric sphincter? Does the small intestine absorb nutrients from the bloodstream? How and where is the appendix connected to the intestines? Why does the small intestine require an alkaline pH? What organ makes juice that breaks down protein in the small intestine? Does a colonoscopy or endoscopy examine the small intestine? If neither of these is correct, what procedure does examine the small intestine? Does mechanical digestion increase the internal surface area of the small intestine? Is feces stored in the small or large intestine? What vessel carries blood from the intestines to the liver? Does it carry oxygenated blood or deoxygenated blood? What would happen if the small intestine were removed from the body? What are digestive juices? What is the sphincter of Oddi? What is the ileocecal sphincter? What type of digestion takes place in the large intestine, chemical, mechanical, both, or neither? What cell type is found in the inner lining of the mucosa ( near the lumen) of the small intestine? What digestive organ releases enzymes in the small intestine? Why must the pH values of the mouth, stomach, and small intestine be different? How are small and large intestines different? How does digestion happen in the stomach? How is digestion a series of chemical reactions? How is digestion achieved? How does digestion release nutrients from food? How does digestion occur in the mouth? Is digestion in the mouth chemical or mechanical or both? How do probiotics help digestion? How does bile relate to digestion? How does digestion affect body temperature? How does digestion affect heart rate? How does digestion affect metabolism? How does digestion change after gallbladder removal? How does fat digestion affect the pH? How does fat digestion differ from that of protein? How does fat digestion relate to the lymphatic system? How does hydrolysis relate to digestion? How does surface area relate to digestion? What are some examples of mechanical digestion? What digestive process begins in the small intestine? What digestive process begins in the stomach? What digestive process occurs in the large intestine? What is the definition of mechanical digestion? What are the results of the chemical digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats? Does this digestion occur in the mouth, stomach and/or the small intestine? What role does the pancreas have in digestion? Does any digestion take place in the esophagus? What is the role of hcl in digestion? What are two reasons why starch is not digested in the stomach? Which of the following digestive system mechanisms occur in the esophagus: propulsion, absorption, chemical digestion, mechanical digestion? What is the name for the chemical found in saliva that breaks down starch into sugar? Is it true that sperm does not get digested by the stomach and therefore just sits there for the rest of your life? What is the role of symbiosis in cellulose digestion? What digestive gland secretes a substance called bile, which helps to digest fats? Do fats help maintain your cell membranes? Is bile a part of gastric juice? What vein drains the lesser curvature of the stomach, and empties directly into the hepatic portal vein? Does the hepatic portal system provide the liver with oxygenated blood? What is a Focal Fatty Infiltration of the Liver? What are the three veins that form/empty into the hepatic portal vein? What is hepatic encephalopathy? What Hepatic Failure/ Liver Failure? Does the hepatic portal system begin and end with capillary beds? What are Korotkoff sounds? What is a portal system? What is the purpose of the hepatic portal? If there is fat in the duodenum it releases CCK. This results in the liver's increased production of what substance? What are stages of hepatic encephalopathy? What is the difference between a hepatic vein and a hepatic portal vein? What is a hepatic hemangioma? What is the normal size of an adult liver? Is the common bile duct the same as the bile duct? What does the liver acinus do? How does it allow the liver to function? What blood vessel pumps blood from the liver to the heart? Does the pulmonary circuit involve the hepatic portal vein? What is meant by the First-Pass Effect of drugs? Is the process of forming ATP digestion, cellular respiration, metabolism, or nutrition? Which organ's role is to remove nutrients and bacteria from hepatic portal blood? The hepatic vein enters what blood vessel? What is stage 3 cirrhosis of the liver? What will happen if cirrhosis of the liver is untreated? In which abdominal quadrant is the liver located? Does First Pass Metabolism affect Intravenous (IV) medication? Does IV medication completely bypass the liver? What is another name for the digestive system? What is the ICD-9-CM code for gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to adverse effects of warfarin? Why is a patient not allowed to eat or drink when they have gastrointestinal bleeding? The greatest number of pathogens enter through which of the body's systems? What are some examples of gram-negative bacteria? Are most catabolic reactions are exothermic? Is glycolysis a catabolic process? Can a food molecule absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract be stored for future use? What are the symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer? Does this type of cancer usually show up gradually, or quickly? From the lumen outward, what are the layers of the gastrointestinal tract? What is the typical gastrointestinal transit time? How are helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans? What medical specialty covers the gastrointestinal tract? Cells lining the inner surface of the digestive tract are examples of what type of tissue? Does the pancreas produce sodium bicarbonate? Does the stomach contain mucus, pepsin, villi, and hydrochloric acid? How can I kill the bad bacteria in my stomach (intestine)? Or are there only good bacteria in the intestines? What is the average distance food travels through the body (from mouth to anus)? Does a bolus of food move through the esophagus by peristalsis, segmentation, regurgitation, or hydrolysis? What physiological changes that occur during pregnancy often cause gastrointestinal problems? What is the hepatic portal system? What is the term that describes the process where nutrients pass through the wall of the gastrointestinal tract? What is the rhythmic contraction of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract called? Where does the alimentary canal end? What body system do the liver, the islets of langerhans and the spleen fall under? Is the gastrointestinal, urogenital, respiratory, or skin the most commonly used portal of entry by pathogens? Or are they equally used as portals of entry? In what kind of tissue can goblet cells can be found? What part of the anatomy does the duodenum surround? How do you pronounce gastrointestinal? How does stomach acid relate to heartburn? How does stomach cancer relate to the cell cycle? How does the stomach change with age? How does the stomach differ from the small intestine? How does the gastrointestinal system work? How are gastrointestinal problems cured? How can you relieve gastrointestinal pain? What are some examples of digestive enzymes? What gastrointestinal organs are found in the right lower quadrant? What are gastrointestinal symptoms? What is the gastrointestinal tract? Why does gastrointestinal bleeding occur? Why is gastrointestinal bleeding a complication of cirrhosis? What does "GI" mean? Why is NPO ordered when there is gastrointestinal bleeding? What are the layers of the gastrointestinal tract? What are their functions? What is the disease influenza? In what part of the digestive system is digested food absorbed into the blood? Is liquid absorbed through the stomach? What does your liver do for your body? Why can a baby not eat meals such as those we eat, straight away? Is it true that your intestines are 26 miles long? Where are your intestines? Are they in your stomach? What is a small intestine? What does it do? Does it aid in digestion? Where does your food go first when you digest it? Does it go to your small intestine first or to the large? Why does the absorption of water take place later in the large intestine? How much do human intestines weigh? What is the proximal part of the small intestine? Does digestion complete in the small intestine or large intestine? What is the length of a frog's small intestine in proportion to its body size? Is the large intestine on the right side directly underneath the right rib cage, or is it father back? What is the function of the saliva glands? Can the large intestine be transplanted? After an ileostomy, is it possible to get it reversed? What are the lengths of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum (in feet)? What fluid secreted into the small intestine during digestion contains cholesterol, emulsification agents , and phospholipids? Why does the enzyme pepsin (present in the stomach) denature in the intestine? After food has been digested is it absorbed into the small intestine or kidney? Is the ileum part of the large intestine? Is the liver and duodenum the same? If not, what is the difference? What intestine is on the right side? Is there any hormonal control on intestinal secretion? What are the different types of digestion? What are symptoms of liver damage? How do liver cells metabolize alcohol? How does the liver work? How can the liver be damaged? How do the liver and pancreas differ from other digestive organs? How does the liver affect blood clotting? How does the liver function in related to the digestive system? Why is the liver able to regenerate? Why is the liver affected by alcohol? Why is the liver important? Why is the liver important in digestion? What are some reasons why the liver fails? The mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestine are all part of what system? Some of the microbes that often invade other organs of the body are rarely found in the stomach. Is the reason for this the presence of HCL? How many stomachs does a camel have? Where is your stomach located? What is the best cardio exercise I can do to lose weight in the abdomen area? What is pyloric antrum? What is the part of the colon that lies in the vertical position, on the left side of the abdomen, extending from a point below the stomach and spleen to the level of the iliac crest? What substances are absorbed into the lymph capillaries? What are the parts of the small intestines? Which portion connects directly with the stomach? In the stomach, what is the role of chief cells and parietal cells? Is mumps an inflammation of the parotid glands caused by mycovirus? What is the duct that connects to the duodenum? What is the function of the pylorus? How long could a goldfish survive in a human stomach if the person has drank around 3 liters of water and hasn't eaten anything for a while? How do you make an edible cake liver, lungs, intestines, and stomach? I have to turn in a project for social studies, and I have to make edible body parts. What are some ideas for how to do this? What keeps our internal organs from moving around inside of us? What keeps stomach acid from burning our other organs? In which body cavity are the large and small intestines found? What about the lungs, heart and the kidneys? Is the pancreas located to the left side or right side of the stomach? What is the hole in stomach called? What is the cotton-like substance I find in there every 6-8 hours, even if I take a bath? Irritation of the gastrointestiter in the medulla results in reverse peristalsis which is also called what? How can I make a 3-D stomach model? What does aspirin do to your stomach? My mom told me when I was born I was the only baby in the nursery whose stomach was moving up and down like crazy and I was breathing from my belly. What does this mean? Is belly fat inside or outside the abdomen muscles? How many stomachs does a dog have? What are the signs and symptoms of an abdominal hernia? How does the stomach perform its function as part of the digestive system? Are human rabies shots still administered into your stomach? I've had severe pain that starts just under or right at my diaphragm that radiates through to my back. What could this be? The function of pyloric sphincter is to prevent the backflow of food to foodpipe. Then how does vomiting happen? Why or why not would there be food in the fetal pig's stomach? What is the digestive and storage role of the stomach in humans? Will enzymes in the stomach continue to function once they have reached the small intestine? Why or why not? Do spiders have stomachs? Or do they just have a digestive tract? Where is the esophageal section of the stomach located? What is the process of digestion? What is the use of HCl in the stomach? What happens in case of excess HCl secretion? How are stomach ulcers caused? What is the top portion of the intestine called? A person eats a sandwich with bread, chicken, lettuce, and mayo. What organ would the final reactions to complete the breakdown of the bread occur? What organ produces a substance that would be used in the emulsification of the lipids in the mayo? I was prescribed oxycodone yesterday after having my wisdom tooth pulled. Does this medication dull the nerves of my intestines and make me not have to go to the bathroom (constipation)? Which process causes the movement of the food down the esophagus? In humans, is food moved from the mouth to the stomach as a result of diffusion, circulation, peristalsis, or egestion? Why are villi present in the intestine and not in the stomach? Where does undigested food go after leaving the small intestines? What happens to the water contained in the materials that pass into the large intestine? If the proteases such as pepsin and trypsin, digest protein, why don't they digest the stomach and small intestine, since the stomach and small intestine are both made from protein? How do intestines get infected? How do the intestines move food? How does the large intestine differ from the small intestine in length? How can you clean your intestines? How do you pronounce the word "intestine"? Which intestine does food pass through first in the process of digestion, the large or the small? What intestine are feces expelled from? Why do intestines "gurgle"? Why is small intestine called "small"? Why is the small intestine important? Cholecystectomy for the gallbladder is to treat gallstones. What effect does this have on digestion? Which hormone is produced mainly in the stomach and regulates secretions of gastric juice? Large doses of antibiotics given to fight an infection are likely to destroy bacteria that produce vitamin K. In which digestive organ do we find such beneficial bacteria? How can the digestive system be compared to a big tube? How does the digestive system affect diabetes? How does the digestive system change during exercise? How does the human digestive system change food into nutrients? What does "GI system" mean? What is the villi in the digestive system? Where is it found? What is the digestive system made up of? What are the 5 valves (sphincters) of the digestive system? What are all the components of the digestive system? Which gland is part of two systems - the endocrine system and the digestive system? How does the digestive system work with the immune system? What do we call substances like amylase and protease which speed up the chemical reactions? What is the function of the gallbladder in the digestive system? Is the trachea a part of the digestive or the respiratory system? How can I clean out my digestive system in a natural way? Where in the digestive system are 'stools' formed? What are stools? What part of the digestive system makes food into small lumps called boluses? How can the presence of parasites in the gastrointestinal system be determined? What are the 3 functions of the digestive system? What is the purpose of the liver in the digestive system? I know that it produces bile, but what other functions does the liver have in the digestive system? Where does bile go? Why is it said that babies have immature digestive systems up until 3 or 4 months? How does H.Pylori bacteria affect our digestive system? What are the 14 parts of the digestive system? How does the digestive system help with water input and water output in the body?How does the respiratory system help with water input and water output in the body? What is the function of the simple columnar epithelium? What are the two types of digestion? Which organelle aids in digestion of worn-out cell parts? Where does the process of digestion begin inside of your body? In what parts of the digestive system do mechanical and chemical digestion take place? how do the process occurs? please help thx? What roles do the esophagus and stomach play in digestion? What is the difference between excretion and digestion? How does mechanical digestion enhance chemical digestion? The digestion of which class of food begins in the mouth? Why is digestion considered positive feedback and not negative? How does the HCl in the stomach help in digestion? Where does chemical digestion start and end? Does saliva begin the digestion of protein? What is the normal or average length of time it takes to complete the digestive process? What role does the appendix have in digestion? What is the role of trypsin in digestion? What is an example of mechanical digestion in the mouth? Is it the teeth? Why is food digestion a chemical change? In what organ does the majority of chemical digestion and absorption occur? Does your body digest food better or faster If you eat while standing up and continue standing after you eat? Why should you avoid lying down after you eat? How would digestion be affected if the pancreas or liver were damaged? How do bile salts help food digest? How does water help digestion? What would be the result if there were no villi in the intestinal tract and the walls of the intestines were smooth? An amoeba is a unicellular animal, which doesn’t have a stomach for digestion of food. How does food storage and digestion take place in an amoeba? What role does nuclease play in digestion? Is digestion an example of a chemical reaction? Is the use of water in the process of digestion called hydrolysis, osmosis, chemical reaction, photosynthesis, or diffusion? What closes at the time of swallowing to protect the respiratory tract from food particles? Does fat digestion begin in the stomach with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin? Does free fatty acid absorption occur in the small intestine? How does a person get stones in his gall bladder? What is the name of the specialist who treats any liver problems? What is the etiology of cholecystitis? Can your gallbladder return after having it removed? Can biliary dyskinesia (gallbladder disease) cause an almost constant pain under the ribs? What exactly is an MRCP test? What are they looking for? What is Sickle Cell Anemia? What would happen if the common bile duct was blocked? What secretions would be blocked? What would be the consequences on the digestive system? What does it mean when a person is said to be a carrier of a trait or disease? Being a carrier, does it automatically mean that the person is heterozygous if the trait is an autosomal dominant trait? Can you get ill from someone with sepsis? What is the difference between gallstones and kidney stones? What diseases cause jaundice? Does the hair also turn yellow? What exactly do Antimitochondrial Antibodies (M2) do to the body? Does the body attack mitochondria in all my cells and create several autoimmune conditions, or just the cells in the bile ducts? Are all gallstones in the gallbladder, or can they travel to other sites in the body? Where in the body is the gallbladder located? Is Helicobacter pylori a bacterium associated with Crohn’s disease, Biliary colic, Gastric ulcers, or Celiac sprue? What is the role of stomach acid? What is the product of liver? What connects the larynx to the primary bronchi? Is endoscopy a type of imaging technique? What are accessory organs of our digestive system? How many teeth are there in adult human? What are the sources of digestive juice? Is there a valvular structure between stomach and duodenum? If yes, what is it and what is the role? What is the role of HCl in digestion? Describe the biochemical mechanism throgh which HCl is formed in the stomach(in humans) (?) What secretion regulates the blood sugar level? What would be the dental formula of a 16 year old boy? Digestive and Excretory Systems View all chapters Food and Nutrients Digestive System Excretory System Prev Next