Why is CDCl3 a triplet in C13NMR?

1 Answer

The deuterium in the CDCl₃ splits the 13C signal into a triplet.

Whenever you run a 13C spectrum in CDCl₃, you always get a triplet solvent peak at 77.5 ppm.

For example, here's a spectrum of t-butyl chloride.


You see the characteristic CDCl₃ triplet at 77.5 ppm.

The reason is that 2H has a spin quantum number I = 1.

A nucleus with I=1 has 2I+1=3 possible orientations.

These orientations have the same energy in the absence of a magnetic field.

In the presence of a magnetic field, these energy levels split. Each level is labelled with a magnetic quantum number m = +1, 0, -1.

So a 13C nucleus will be split into three different energy levels depending on the +1, 0, or -1 orientation of the deuterium atom.

Each orientation has the same probability, so the signal is a 1:1:1 triplet.