Which of the most commonly found elements in organic molecules are suitable for NMR?

1 Answer
Jul 2, 2015

The most common isotopes used for NMR are ""^1"H" and ""^13"C".


We have to talk about isotopes rather than elements, because an isotope must have a non-zero nuclear spin to be detected by NMR.

That's why ""^12"C" does not give an NMR signal — its nuclear spin is zero.

Isotopes such as ""^14"N", ""^15"N", ""^17"O", ""^19"F", ""^31"P", and ""^ 35"Cl" are also important in NMR, because these elements are often found in biological and pharmaceutical compounds.

Other nuclei that are used in NMR are ""^2"H", ""^6"Li", ""^10"B", ""^11"B", ""^23"Na", ""^29"Si", ""^113"Cd", ""^129"Xe", and ""^195"Pt".