What are some common chemical shift ranges in C^13 NMR spectrum?
1 Answer
Nov 8, 2015
See below.
The common broad ranges are:
160-220 color(white)(X)"C=O" 115-150color(white)(X)"C=C, C≡N" 10-90color(white)(XX)"Alkane C"
Each of these ranges is further subdivided. For example,
160-220 ppm Range
205-220 color(white)(X)"RCOR" 190-200 color(white)(X)"RCHO" 160-185 color(white)(X)"RCOOH, RCOOR"
10-90 ppm Range
50-90color(white)(X)"RCH"_2"O" 30-60color(white)(X)"RCH"_2"Cl" 25-35color(white)(X)"R"_3"CH" 16-25color(white)(X)"RCH"_2"R" 10-15color(white)(X)"RCH"_3
These ranges are often presented in a chart like the one below.
Even this limited information might enable you to match the carbon atoms to their corresponding peaks in the NMR spectrum of methyl methacrylate.