What is the average speed of an object that is not moving at t=0 and accelerates at a rate of a(t) =5-t^2/4 on t in [2,4]?
1 Answer
We're asked to find the average speed of a particle over a time interval, given its acceleration as a function of time.
The equation for average speed is
"average speed" = "distance traveled"/"time interval"
Position is the second integral of acceleration. The total distance traveled is different from the displacement because it is strictly positive. Therefore, to find the distance traveled from
"distance traveled" = int_2^4intcolor(white)(l)|5-(t^2)/4|color(white)(l)dtcolor(white)(l)dt = color(red)(ul(25color(white)(l)"m"
The time interval is
color(blue)("average speed") = (color(red)(25color(white)(l)"m"))/(2color(white)(l)"s") = color(blue)(ulbar(|stackrel(" ")(" "12.5color(white)(l)"m/s"" ")|)