What is the average speed of an object that is moving at 9 m/s at t=0 and accelerates at a rate of a(t) =5-2t on t in [0,5]?

1 Answer
Nov 8, 2016

Average speed is the mean of initial velocity and final velocity.

to solve this question we need to take out final velocity (v) and initial velocity(u) is already proided.

so lets proceed.

therefore accereleration at 5 seconds is -5m/s^2.This is derieved by puting t=5 in the above equation/function.


by putting values this we get v=-12m/s

so u=9m/s and v=-12m/s

V_av= (u+v)/2
=-1.5m/s .

I haven't showed the actual mathematics calculation as i hope you can easily make it,she see the procedure.