What is the average speed of an object that is moving at 8 m/s at t=0 and accelerates at a rate of a(t) =5-2t on t in [0,3]?

1 Answer
Feb 8, 2016



Integrate the acceleration to get the velocity as a function of time.

v(t) = v(0) + int_0^t a(tau) d tau

= 8 + int_0^t (5-2tau) d tau

= 8 + [5tau-tau^2]_0^t

= 8 + 5t - t^2

Integrate the velocity to get the displacement as a function of time.

x(t) - x(0) = int_0^t v(tau) d tau

= int_0^t (8 + 5tau - tau^2) d tau

= [8tau + 5/2tau^2 - 1/3tau^3]_0^t

= 8t + 5/2t^2 - 1/3t^3

From this, we can calculate the displacement from t=0 to t=3.

x(3)-x(0) = 8(3) + 5/2(3)^2 - 1/3(3)^3 = 37.5

Divide this by the time (3 seconds) to get the average velocity.

bar(v) = frac{37.5}{3-0} = 12.5