Questions asked by Gagan Batra
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27 identical drops of water are equally and simillarly charged to potential V.They are then united to form a bigger drop.The potential of the bigger drop is??Thank u!!
The resistance of a conductor is 5 ohm at 50*c and 6 ohm at 100*c.Its resistance at 0*is??THANK YOU!!
A Hollow charged metal sphere has radius r .If the potential difference between its surface and a point at a distance 3r from the centre is V ,then the electric field intensity at a distance 3r from the centre is?? thank u!!
Four points charges -Q,-q,2qAND 2Q are placed ,one at each corner of the square .The relation between Q and q FOR WHICH THE POTENTIAL AT THE CENTRE OF THE SQUARE IS ZERO IS??
A cell of e.m.f. E and internal resistance r is connected across an external resistance nr.The ratio of terminal potential difference to e.m.f. is? terms of n only? Thank u!!!
If we increase kinetic energy of a body 300% then percent increase in momentum is...??
A mass of M kg is suspended by a weightless string .The horizontal force that is required to displace it until the string makes an angle of 45^0 with the initial vertical direction is ... ?
A diwali rocket is ejecting 50 g of gases at velocity of 400m/s .the accelerating force on the rocket will be...???
A symetrical double convex lens is cut in two equal parts by a plane perpendicular to the principal axis .If the power of the original lens is 4D,the power of a cut lens will be..??
A telescope has focal length of objective and eye piece as 200 cm and 5cm respectively.what is magnification of telescope...???
A wire 88 cm long bent into a circular loop is placed perpendicular to magnetic field of flux density 2.5 wb /m^2. With in 0.5 sec the loop is changed to a square of side 22 cm and flux density is increased to 3 wb/m^2.Calculate the value of emf induced?
What is the integration of 1log(√1−x) ?
What is the solution of differential equation
Xdy/dx= y(logy-logx+1) ?
What is meant by the "localised rings in the air film" in the newtons rings experiment,however the rings form on Plano-convex lens?
What is the integration of log(1+ex)ex ?
What do you mean by the term Bandwidth? As i know it is the range of frequencies between some upper frequency and a lower frequency. But when we say a signal has a bandwidth of 2kHz the what does it mean? Please explain with an ex regarding radio freq?
What is the difference between the words CREDULOUS and CREDIBLE?