27 identical drops of water are equally and simillarly charged to potential V.They are then united to form a bigger drop.The potential of the bigger drop is??Thank u!!

1 Answer
Feb 1, 2016

Let me derive the general expressions for this condition.

Let there be nn small drops each having a charge qq on it and the radius rr, VV be its potential and let the volume of each be denoted by BB.

When these nn small drops are coalesced there is a new bigger drop formed.

Let the radius of the bigger drop be RR, QQ be charge on it, V' be its potential and its volume be B'

The volume of the bigger drop must be equal to the sum of volumes of n individual drops.

implies B'=B+B+B+......+B

There are total n small drops therefore the sum of volumes of all the individual drops must be nB.

implies B'=nB

A drop is spherical in shape. Volume of a sphere is given by 4/3pir^3 where r is its radius.

implies 4/3piR^3=n4/3pir^3

implies R^3=nr^3

Taking third root on both sides.

implies R=n^(1/3)r

Also the charge of the bigger drop must be equal to the sum of charges on the individual drops.

implies Q=nq

The potential of the bigger drop can be given by


implies V'=(knq)/(n^(1/3)r)

implies V'=n^(1-1/3)(kq)/r

implies V'=n^(2/3)(kq)/r

Since, kq/r represents the potential of small drop which we have symbolized by V.

Therefore, V'=n^(2/3)V

Now we have found a general equation for this case.

In this case there are 27 identical drops.

implies V'=27^(2/3)V

implies V'=9V

This shows that in your case the potential of the bigger drop is 9 times the potential of the smaller drop.