Why are alkenyl and alkynyl halides so bad for SN and E reactions?

1 Answer
Jan 23, 2015

The main reasons are bond strength, cation instability, and steric hindrance.

SN1 and E1 Reactions

A typical alkenyl halide is vinyl bromide (CH₂=CH-Br). This is a poor substrate for SN1 and E1 reactions because:

  • The C-Br bond is sp² hybridized, so it is stronger than the sp³ hybridized bond in ethyl chloride.
  • The vinyl cation (CH₂=CH⁺) that would be formed has the vacancy in an sp² orbital (not sp³), so it is less stable than an ethyl cation (CH₃CH₂⁺).

Bromoacetylene (HC≡C-Br) is an even poorer substrate because the sp hybridized C-Br bond is stronger and the acetylene cation (HC≡C⁺) is less stable than the vinyl cation.

SN2 Reactions

SN2 reactions involve back-side attack by the nucleophile.

The reaction with vinyl bromide is slow because

  • The nucleophile is repelled by the electrons of the π bond.
  • The H atom or other group trans to the leaving group will sterically hinder the approach of the nucleophile.


In bromoacetylene, there is even more repulsion from the π clouds.


And it is impossible for the nucleophile to attack the rear of the carbon bearing the leaving group.

E2 Eliminations

In an E2 elimination, the C-H and C-Br bonds must be antiperiplanar to each other. Vinyl halides satisfy this condition.

Strong bases like NaNH₂ in liquid ammonia convert alkenyl halides to alkynes.
