Which of the following mechanisms feature carbocation intermediates: SN1 only, SN2 only, E1 only, E2 only or both SN1 and E1?

1 Answer
May 20, 2015

Both "S"_"N"1 and "E1" reactions feature carbocation intermediates.

The first step in both reactions is the same: departure of the leaving group to form an intermediate carbocation.

This is the rate determining step. It is a unimolecular reaction, and that accounts for the "1" in the names "S"_"N"1 and "E1".


"S"_"N"1 " Reaction

If the nucleophile attacks and bonds to the cationic carbon atom, we have a nucleophilic substitution ("S"_"N") reaction.


If, instead, a base attacks the β hydrogen to form an alkene, we have an elimination ("E1") reaction.