What is the equation for the reaction with Butan-1-ol with [o] acidified #K_2Cr_2O_7#?

1 Answer
Apr 2, 2016

The butan-1-ol is oxidized to butanoic acid, and the dichromate ion is reduced to chromium(III) ion.


The method of balancing redox equations is described here,

1: Separate into two half-reactions.

#"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" → "CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH"#
#"Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-" → "Cr"^"3+"#

2: Balance all atoms other than H and O.

#"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" → "CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH"#
#"Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-" → color(red)(2)"Cr"^"3+"#

3: Balance #"O"#

#"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" + "H"_2"O" → "CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH"#
#"Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-" → color(red)(2)"Cr"^"3+"+ color(blue)(7)"H"_2"O"#

4: Balance H.

#"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" + "H"_2"O" → "CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH" + color(brown)(4)"H"^+#
#"Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-" + color(brown)(14)"H"^+ → color(red)(2)"Cr"^"3+"+ color(blue)(7)"H"_2"O"#

5: Balance charge.

#"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" + "H"_2"O" → "CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH" + color(brown)(4)"H"^+ + color(magenta)(4)e^"-"#
#"Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-" + color(brown)(14)"H"^+ + color(magenta)(6)e^"-" → color(red)(2)"Cr"^"3+"+ color(blue)(7)"H"_2"O"#

6: Equalize electrons transferred.

#3 × ["CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" + "H"_2"O" → "CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH" + color(brown)(4)"H"^+ + color(magenta)(4)e^"-"]#
#2 × ["Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-" + color(brown)(14)"H"^+ + color(magenta)(6)e^"-" → color(red)(2)"Cr"^"3+"+ color(blue)(7)"H"_2"O"]#

7: Add the two half-reactions.

#3"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" + 2"Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-" + color(brown)(16)"H"^+ → 3"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH" + color(red)(4)"Cr"^"3+"+ color(blue)(11)"H"_2"O"#

8: Check mass balance.

#"Atom"color(white)(m)"On the left"color(white)(m)"On the right"#

9: Check charge balance.

#color(white)(mm)"On the left"color(white)(mm)"On the right"#
#color(white)(m)"4- + 16+ = 12+"color(white)(mml)"12+"#

The balanced equation is

#3"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" + 2underbrace(color(orange)("Cr"_2"O"_7^"2-"))_color(orange)("orange") + 16"H"^+ → 3"CH"_3"CH"_2"CH"_2"COOH" + 4underbrace(color(green)("Cr"^"3+"))_color(green)("green") + 11"H"_2"O"#

The #color(orange)("orange dichromate ion"# is converted to the #color(green)("green chromium(III) ion")#.