What is the diference between the most common two-dimensional NMR techniques: COSY and HETCOR?

1 Answer

In COSY, the proton spectra are plotted along each axis, while in HETCOR the proton spectrum is on one axis and the 13C spectrum is on the other axis.


COSYCOrrelation SpectroscopY
(you may also see it written as H,H-COSY)

In COSY, both axes correspond to 1H NMR spectra.

The off-diagonal peaks show which protons are coupled to each other.

The COSY spectrum of ethyl but-2-enoate

(from www.chem.ucalgary.ca)


(from www.chem.ucalgary.ca)

For example, peak A indicates a coupling between the H at 6.9 ppm and the H at 1.8 ppm.

This shows that the CH3 group is coupled to the adjacent H on the alkene.

HETCORHETeronuclear CORrelation Spectroscopy

in HETCOR spectra, a proton NMR spectrum is plotted on one axis and the 13C NMR spectrum is plotted on the other.

The peaks show which H is attached to each C.

Here is the HETCOR spectrum of ethyl but-2-enoate.

(from www.chem.ucalgary.ca)

For example, Peak A indicates that the H at 4.1 ppm is attached to the C at 60 ppm.

This corresponds to the -OCH2- group of the ester.