How is the magnitude or intensity of NMR resonance signals displayed along the vertical axis of a spectrum?

1 Answer
Jul 23, 2015

The vertical axis on an NMR spectrum is simply an arbitrary number of chart divisions.


That's why you don't usually see a vertical axis on a published NMR spectrum.

In an NMR spectrum, an important feature is the relative area under each peak, because that is proportional to the relative numbers of each type of proton.

The instrument usually prints out an "integral curve" as a series of steps.

The height of each step is proportional to the area under each peak and hence to the relative number of each type of proton.

For example, the step heights in the NMR spectrum of ethanol (above) are in the ratio of 1:2:3.

This corresponds to the "OH", "CH"_2, and "CH"_3 groups in the molecule.