What is the definition of limit in calculus?

1 Answer
Apr 30, 2015

There are several ways of stating the definition of the limit of a function. In order for an alternative to be acceptable it must give the same results as the other accepted definitions. Those other definitions are accepted exactly because they do give the same results.

The definition of the limit of a function given in textbooks used for Calculus I in the U.S. is some version of:

Let f be a function defined on some open interval containing a (except possibly at a).
Then the limit as x approaches a of f is L, written:

color(white)"ssssssssss" lim_(xrarra)f(x)=L

if and only if

for every epsilon > 0 there is a delta > 0 for which:

if 0 < abs(x-a) < delta, then abs(f(x) - L) < epsilon.

That is the end of the definition

Tlhe following version is a bit more "wordy", but it is clearer to many.

for every epsilon > 0 (for every positive epsilon),
there is a delta > 0 (there is a positive delta)

for which the following is true:

if x is any number for which 0 < abs(x-a) < delta is true,
then abs(f(x) - L) < epsilon is also true.

An acceptable rephrasing of that "if . . ., tlhen . . . " is:

If x is a chosen number within distance delta of a (but x!=a because weird stuff might happen right at a),

then f(x) is a number within distance epsilon of L

The Game

I claim that lim_(xrarra) f(x) = L.

What I am claiming is that:

if someone else chooses how close I need to make f(x) to L (give me a distance epsilon)

then I'll show that if you start with an x close enough to a (within delta of a) then you'll get an f(x) within epsilon of L.
Because I am only making a claim about values of f(x) for x's chose to a, the x chosen cannot be equal to a.
(For nice functions this last bit about x=a won't matter, but not all functions are nice.)