C_6H_6 and C_6H_5CH_3, benzene and toluene, are industrial solvents.....and are used in various quantities as solvents for paints, lacquers, and thinners.
"Napthalene", C_10H_8, is a solid with a distinctive odour, which moth larvae do not like, and thus it sold commercially as "moth balls". And don't knock it. Sooner or later you find that the little blighters have been dining on your favourite suit or dress; and that is when you start deploying chemical weapons of mass destruction in earnest.
"Anthracene", is coal tar.....C_14H_10 and added to certain soaps, and certain medications.
"Phenol", C_6H_5OH, used to be used widely as an antiseptic.
All of these compounds are used as substrates in bullk chemical synthesis.