A trail mix recipe includes granola, oats, and almonds. There are 135 Calories in a 1/4-cup serving of the trail mix. How many Calories are in 2 cups of trail mix?

1 Answer
Nov 20, 2016

#x = 1080 # calories


You can answer this by using the unitary method, which involves finding the number of calories in 1 cup first.

In #1/4# of a cup there are #135# calories

In #4xx1/4 = 1# cup there are #4xx135 = 540 # calories

In #2xx 1 = 2 #cups there are #2 xx 540 = 1080 # calories

You can also use the method of direct proportion:

#"cups"/"calories" = 0.25/135 = 2/x" "larr# cross-multiply

#0.25x = 135 xx2#

#x = (135xx2)/0.25#

#x = 1080 # calories