
Key Questions

  • Answer:

    Boundedness is about having finite limits. In the context of values of functions, we say that a function has an upper bound if the value does not exceed a certain upper limit. More...


    Other terms used are "bounded above" or "bounded below".

    For example, the function #f(x) = 1/(1+x^2)# is bounded above by #1# and below by #0# in that:

    #0 < f(x) <= 1# for all #x in RR#

    graph{1/(1+x^2) [-5, 5, -2.5, 2.5]}

    The function #exp:x -> e^x# is bounded below by #0# (or you can say has #0# as a lower bound), but is not bounded above.

    #0 < e^x < oo# for all #x in RR#

    graph{e^x [-5.194, 4.806, -0.74, 4.26]}

  • Answer:

    A continuous function defined on a closed interval has an upper (and lower) bound.


    Probably the simplest boundedness theorem states that a continuous function defined on a closed interval has an upper (and lower) bound.

    Proof by contradiction

    Suppose #f(x)# is defined and continuous on a closed interval #[a, b]#, but has no upper bound.


    #AA n in NN, EE x_n in [a, b] : f(x_n) > n#

    Since the sequence of #x_n#'s lies in a bounded interval, it is dense at some point in the closure of the interval. Since the interval is closed, that must be at some point #c# actually in the interval #[a, b]#.

    Since the sequence of #x_n#'s is dense at #c#, there is some monotonically increasing sequence #n_k in NN# such that #x_(n_k) -> c# as #k->oo#.

    Now #f(x)# is continuous at #c#, so:

    #lim_(x->c) f(x) = f(c)#

    which is bounded.


    #lim_(k->oo) x_(n_k) = c" "# and #" "lim_(k->oo) f(x_(n_k)) = oo#

    is unbounded.


    So there is no such #f(x)# lacking upper (or lower) bound.

  • If the function is unbounded, the graph would progress to infinity, in some direction(s).

  • Not all functions are bounded.

    The simplest counter example would be
    the identity function #f(x) = x#
    which is defined for all values of #x# and can generate any value for #f(x)#

    A slightly less trivial counter example would be
    the cubing function #f(x) = x^3#
