Why Socratic allows a single person to answer a question twice?

I don’t know exactly how many times someone can answer a question. But I’ve seen two till now.
This one: https://socratic.org/questions/dil-h2so4-con-h2o2#491013

1 Answer

It's done to make a better experience for a student and rarely if ever done to pad someone's profile or numbers.


I've seen this a few times (and done it a couple...).

Let me first address negative reasons why this might be of concern - in the times that I've seen it (and done it), it has not been for the purpose of adding karma to my profile or trying to get a badge or anything like that.

The reason it's been done is that, in the opinion of the contributor, it's better to break their answer down into two separate answers. For instance, if a question is asking about graphing a line and there are two different ways I want to present it, I might answer twice - one answer each for each methodology.

Longer answers can lose their punch and so doing two might be attractive. Doing side work and notes and things in the Comments thread is more difficult to work with.

And so, in the end, it's done to make a better experience for a student and rarely if ever done to pad someone's profile or numbers.