What must occur in order for a solution to form?

1 Answer
Jul 1, 2018

Well, #"solute-solute"# bonds must break....


...and #"solvent-solute"# bonds must form...

Typically, but not exclusively, we deal with a solid solute, and a liquid solvent..and for a solution to form the the #"solute-solvent bonds"# MUST be more energetic than those between #"solute-solute"# and #"solvent-solvent"#. Water, while it has STRONG #"solvent-solvent"# bonds, also forms exceptionally strong bonds with MOST solutes...and thus water is a potent solvent.

On the other hand, we could deal with a gaseous solution, the air we breathe is one such...and because intermolecular distances are so great, and intermolecular forces WEAK as a consequence, such solutions are easy to form...

On the other, other hand, we could deal with #"solid-solid"# solutions...and most #"alloys"# are an example....