What is the systematic name of the compound CH_3CH(OH)CH_2CHO?

1 Answer
Dec 12, 2017

The systematic name is 3-hydroxybutanal.


Step 1. Draw the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms


There are four carbon atoms, so the base name is butane.

Step 2. Identify the functional group of highest priority


The group with highest priority is the aldehyde group.

We drop the "-e" fron "butane" and add the suffix "-al".

The name becomes butanal.

Step 3. Identify the other functional group.


The "OH" group is a hydroxyl group.

The name becomes hydroxybutanal.

Step 4. Number the atoms in the main chain and locate the hydroxyl group

The aldehyde carbon is number 1.


The hydroxyl group is on carbon 3, so the name of


is 3-hydroxybutanal,