What is the domain and range for y = xcos^-1[x]?

1 Answer
Jul 28, 2018

Range: [ - pi, 0.56109634 ], nearly.
Domain: { - 1, 1 ].


arccos x = y/x in [ 0, pi ]

rArr polar theta in [ 0, arctan pi ] and [ pi + arctan pi, 3/2pi ]#

#y' = arccos x - x / sqrt( 1 - x^2 ) = 0, at

x = X = 0.65, nearly, from graph.

y'' < 0, x > 0#. So,

max y = X arccos X = 0.56, nearly

Note that the terminal on the x-axis is [ 0, 1 ].


x = cos ( y/x ) in [ -1, 1 }

At the lower terminal, in Q_3, x = - 1

and min y = ( - 1 ) arccos ( - 1 ) = - pi.

Graph of y = x arccos x
graph{y-x arccos x=0}

Graphs for x making y' = 0:

Graph of y' revealing a root near 0.65:
graph{y-arccos x + x/sqrt(1-x^2)=0[0 1 -0.1 0.1] }
Graph for 8-sd root = 0.65218462, giving

max y = 0.65218462( arccos 0.65218462 ) = 0.56109634:
graph{y-arccos x + x/sqrt(1-x^2)=0[0.6521846 0.6521847 -0.0000001 0.0000001]}