What is the cross product of [3, 1, -4][3,1,4] and [2, 6, -1] [2,6,1]?

1 Answer
Aug 24, 2016

= 23 hat x -5 hat y + 16 hat z=23ˆx5ˆy+16ˆz


the cross product you seek is the determinant of the following matrix

((hat x, hat y , hat z),(3,1,-4),(2,6,-1))

= hat x(1*(-1) - (-4)*6) - hat y (3 * (-1) - (-4)*2) + hat z (3*6 - 2*1)

= 23 hat x -5 hat y + 16 hat z

this should be perpendicular to these 2 vectors and we can check that via the scalar dot product

<23 , -5 , 16 >* <3,1,-4> = 69 - 5 - 64 = 0

<23 , -5 , 16 >* <2,6,-1> = 46 - 30 -16 = 0