What are S_N1, S_N2, E1 and E2 reactions? How to identify which reaction is occurring in any given reaction.

1 Answer
Nov 12, 2016

You should consider several factors:

  • Solvent (may or may not deactivate nucleophile)
  • Sterics (of substrate or nucleophile; more sterics = less second-order reactions, and vice versa)
  • Reagent pKas (high pKas allow elimination as a possible side mechanism)
  • Temperature (high temperatures favor elimination)
  • Leaving group propensity (great leaving groups favor first-order reactions, such as E1 or S_N1)

This table summarizes what we'll look at.


The following examples assume a great leaving group.


As a random example, consider a general primary alkyl halide reacting with "NaOH" in "DMSO" (dimethylsulfoxide):

"OH"^(-) is small, so it is fast, and therefore, it is a good nucleophile. It also is quite a strong base.

In DMSO, which is a polar aprotic solvent (has no protons, and can dissolve both "NaOH" and the alkyl halide), "OH"^(-) cannot be deactivated because it cannot accidentally act as a base and grab a proton from anything.

That means in this context, "OH"^(-) is a good nucleophile.

Furthermore, the alkyl halide is not sterically-hindered. That is, it is easy to attack it from behind, because there is no bulkiness around the "C"-"Br" carbon, the electrophilic center.

Therefore, this situation would be mostly S_N2, or bimolecular nucleophilic substitution, because

  • the nucleophile is strong
  • the primary alkyl halide is sterically unhindered

allowing backside-attack that is typical to S_N2 reactions.

This creates a stereochemical inversion.


Now modify our example, and use a protic solvent instead, like ethanol. We can still use "NaOH" I suppose, but since ethanol is protic, we instead have competition:

Since "OH"^(-) is a strong base, it steals a proton from the protic solvent, and now we instead have "H"_2"O", "EtOH", and "EtO"^(-) in solution. So, we'd consequently have a mixture of products.

  • The major product forms from S_N1 instead (unimolecular nucleophilic substitution), since "OH"^(-) has become "H"_2"O", which is in general a weak nucleophile.
  • Some minor side products form when remaining "EtOH" coordinates with any leftover alkyl halide, or when the formed "EtO"^(-) reacts with the leftover alkyl halide via S_N2.

It's not entirely clear what the product mixture will give us in terms of percentages, but it will not be just S_N2, that is for sure. We will certainly get some S_N1 products.

Furthermore, if the alkyl halide happens to be secondary or tertiary, you will get some carbocation intermediate. That would also facilitate S_N1---a bulky, tertiary alkyl halide usually does.

S_N1 forms a racemic mixture.


Now if we modify the S_N2 example by raising the temperature and changing our nucleophile to tert-butoxide, we have both bulkiness of the nucleophile and temperature-dependence of the mechanism to consider.

At higher temperatures, elimination is favored over substitution.

Furthermore, the greater sterics on the nucleophile make it a poor nucleophile, but since the alkyl groups are electron-donating, tert-butoxide is still a great base:

This bimolecular elimination reaction removes one proton and one leaving group ("Br"^(-) in this case), generating a new pi bond.

Most E2 of this sort has no detectable intermediate, and requires that the proton and leaving group be antiperiplanar to each other.


E1 is similar to E2, but has a carbocation intermediate, similar to S_N1. E1 more easily occurs at higher temperatures relative to S_N1, similar to E2 relative to S_N2.

This more often occurs when the alkyl halide is also sterically-hindered, but it also somewhat occurs even when E2 occurs, just like how some S_N1 can occur, even when S_N2 primarily occurs.

Like S_N1, a carbocation intermediate would form, and like E2, the base acts to remove one proton and one leaving group ("Br"^(-) in this case), generating a new pi bond on the original alkyl halide.