What is the object of a gerund?

1 Answer
Apr 25, 2016

If by "object of a gerund" you mean "purpose of a gerund", then a gerund is a way of converting a verb into a noun (by adding the ...ing suffix).


If you meant "object" in the sense of a grammatical construct then the expression "object of a gerund" doesn't have any meaning. "Objects" are (grammatically) nouns and "gerunds" are nouns.
"Gerunds" can be (grammatical) "objects" (or "subjects") but they don't have "objects".

Examples of gerunds:
color(white)("XXX")XXXClimbing the hill required a lot of effort.
color(white)("XXXXXX")XXXXXX(used as a subject)
color(white)("XXX")XXXThe boy enjoys playing.
color(white)("XXXXXX")XXXXXX(used as an object)

"Gerunds" could be "objects" of prepositions:
color(white)("XXX")XXX...the disadvantage of overeating..
(but this doesn't seem to be what was being asked.