What is an ordered pair?

2 Answers
Jun 26, 2015

An ordered pair is two items listed in order, typically written in the form (a,b).


An ordered pair is a tuple with two elements, typically written (a,b). The ordering matters, so in general (a,b)(b,a).

More formally, you can say that an ordered pair of elements of a set A is a point or member of A×A.

Alternatively you can say that it is a mapping f:{0,1}A. If you define it in this way, the pair is effectively (f(0),f(1))

Jun 26, 2015

It is a pair of things (two things) in a particular order. So the ordered pair (3,2) is not the same as the ordered pair (2,3)


The ordered pair (3,2) is not the same as the ordered pair (2,3). Although they have the same 2 numbers, these pairs are arranged differently. In an ordered pair, order matters.

(Note: {5,7} and {7,5} are the same unordered pair. Notice the different notation used for ordered versus unordered.)