What is polar cis form?

1 Answer
Jun 17, 2015

Polar cis form is the polar form of a complex number:

r(cos theta + i sin theta)

often abbreviated as

r cis theta


A complex number z is always expressible uniquely as a+ib, where a, b in RR. That is it is expressible as a point (a, b) in RR xx RR.

Any such point can also be represented using polar coordinates as (r cos theta, r sin theta) for some radius r >= 0 and angle theta in RR.

The point #(r cos theta, r sin theta) corresponds to the complex number:

r cos theta + r i sin theta = r(cos theta + i sin theta)

Given z = a+ib, we can calculate a suitable r, cos theta and sin theta ...

r = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)

cos theta = a / r

sin theta = b / r

One of the nice things about cos theta + i sin theta is Euler's formula:

cos theta + i sin theta = e^(itheta)

So polar cis form is equivalent to re^(i theta)