What is an acronym to remember the weak acids?

1 Answer
May 1, 2017

It is much easier to remember the six common strong acids.


If an acid isn't one of the six strong acids, it is almost certainly a weak acid.

The best acronym is one you make up yourself. The sillier, the better!

Here's one I just made up.

#"H"color(red)("I") color(white)(mml)— color(red)("I")#
#"H"color(red)("Br")color(white)(ml) — color(red)("Br")"ing"#
#"H"color(red)("Cl")color(white)(ml) — color(red)("Chl")"oe",#
#"H"_2color(red)("SO")_4 — color(red)("So")#
#"H"color(red)("NO")_3color(white)(l)— color(red)("No")#
#"H"color(red)("ClO"_4) — color(red)("Clo")"ak"color(red)(4)"Me"#

OK. So it's not that good! I'm not a poet!

Just substitute words that you will remember.

Note that the first three strong acids are halogen acids (Group 17), so they shouldn't be too hard to remember.

Also, some instructors include #"HClO"_3# in the list, so you might have to remember that acid as well.