What are the parts of a reflex arc?
1 Answer
Aug 24, 2016
Receptor, afferent neuron, interneuron, efferent neuron and effector.
A reflex arc can be considered a 'short cut' in the nervous system. It bypasses the brain for a quick response. The components are (see also image):
- Receptor: a specialized part of a neuron that receives a signal.
- Afferent neuron: a neuron that transmits the signal to the spinal cord.
- Interneuron: a neuron in the spinal cord that connects input to output.
- Efferent neuron: a neuron that transmits the signal to the effector.
- Effector: the tissue that turns the signal into action, usually a muscle.
Examples are withdrawing your hand when you touch something hot, or the knee jerk reflex.