What are the goals of environmental science?

2 Answers
Aug 24, 2016

To make world to be a sustainable, enjoyable place for all.


To protect resources. To minimize wastes. To create a better place where minimum extinction occurs. To save water resources for all creatures. To stop global climate change. To stop deforestration. To reuse whatsoever reusable. To inform people we are losing what we have/had. To use energy efficiently. To solve transport problem with cleaner and environmentally sound solutions.

And, and, and ...

Jun 16, 2017

See below :


1) To raise awareness and skill for rational and responsible utilization of environmental resources
2) To maintain ecological balance.
3) To provide knowledge about the interrelationship between man and the nature.
4) To motivate the people to involve in environment conservation activities.
5) To educate people about the consequences of environmental degradation.
6) To educate the people about global warming and its consequences.