The radius of a sphere is increasing at a rate of 4 mm/s. How fast is the volume increasing when the diameter is 40 mm?

1 Answer
Jun 22, 2015

Using rr to represent the radius and tt for time, you can write the first rate as:

(dr)/(dt) = 4 "mm"/"s"drdt=4mms


r = r(t) = 4tr=r(t)=4t

The formula for a solid sphere's volume is:

V = V(r) = 4/3pir^3V=V(r)=43πr3

When you take the derivative of both sides with respect to time...

(dV)/(dt) = 4/3pi(3r^2)((dr)/(dt))dVdt=43π(3r2)(drdt)

...remember the Chain Rule for implicit differentiation. The general format for this is:

(dV(r))/(dt) = (dV(r))/(dr(t))*(dr(t))/(dt)dV(r)dt=dV(r)dr(t)dr(t)dt

with V = V(r)V=V(r) and r = r(t)r=r(t).

So, when you take the derivative of the volume, it is with respect to its variable rr ((dV(r))/(dr(t)))(dV(r)dr(t)), but we want to do it with respect to tt ((dV(r))/(dt))(dV(r)dt). Since r = r(t)r=r(t) and r(t)r(t) is implicitly a function of tt, to make the equality work, you have to multiply by the derivative of the function r(t)r(t) with respect to tt ((dr(t))/(dt))(dr(t)dt)as well. That way, you're taking a derivative along a chain of functions, so to speak (V -> r -> tVrt).

Now what you can do is simply plug in what rr is (note you were given diameter) and what (dr)/(dt)drdt is, because (dV)/(dt)dVdt describes the rate of change of the volume over time, of a sphere.

(dV)/(dt) = 4/3pi(3(20 "mm")^2)(4 "mm"/"s")dVdt=43π(3(20mm)2)(4mms)

= 6400pi "mm"^3/"s"=6400πmm3s

Since time just increases, and the radius increases as a function of time, and the volume increases as a function of a constant times the radius cubed, the volume increases faster than the radius increases, so we can't just say the two rates are the same.