The probability of an event E not occurring is 0.4. What are the odds in favor of E occurring?
2 Answers
An event must either occur (
Therefore the sum of the probabilities of an event occurring and an event not occurring must be equal to 100%
That is
Given that
This implies that
The odds in favour of
An odds in favour is a ratio of "how likely an event is to occur" to "how likely it is to NOT occur". This can be derived from
"number of favourable outcomes"/"number of unfavourable outcomes"number of favourable outcomesnumber of unfavourable outcomes
"proability of event occuring"/"probability of event not occurring"proability of event occuringprobability of event not occurring
and is usually expressed in colon notation as
which gives
This can be scaled up by 5, so that both numbers in the odds are whole numbers:
"odds"(E)=0.6xx5" ":" ""0.4xx5odds(E)=0.6×5 : 0.4×5
color(white)("odds"(E))=3:2odds(E)=3:2 .