The atom having the valence-shell configuration 4s^2 4p^54s24p5 would be in what group and period?

1 Answer
Jan 4, 2017

The atom would be in Period 4 and Group 17.


The valence shell configuration is "4s"^2 "4p"^54s24p5.

The principal quantum number (4) gives you the Period number.

Start with H in Period 1 and count down to the fourth row (Period 4).

That brings you to "K"K.

(Adapted from Chemistry -

Now, start counting to the right through the "s"s-block to "Ca"Ca ("4s"^24s2) and the "d"d-block to "Zn"Zn.

Now that you have come to the "p"p-block, count five more atoms, for a "4p"^54p5 configuration.

This brings you to the desired atom, "Br"Br.

You have counted horizontally through 17 atoms, so "Br"Br is in Group 17.