Silver chloride (AgCI) is relatively insoluble in water. At 25 C, 1.3x103 L of water is needed to dissolve 2.5 g of AgCl. What mass (in milligrams) of AgCl will dissolve in 1.0 L of water?

1 Answer
Sep 5, 2016

Approx. 2mg


Solubility = Moles of soluteVolume of solution.

For silver chloride we are given that: 2.5g wil dissolve in over 1 m3 of water.

And thus, Solubility = 2.5g143.32gmol1×11.3×103L = 1.34×105molL1.

And thus silver chloride solute in 1L of saturated water = 1.34×105molL1×143.32gmol1×1L 2mg

Typically, you are quoted a Ksp for these insoluble salts. Ksp AgCl=1.77×1010. Ksp values can be shown to depend on the molar solubilities.