Where can I find the Socratic app?

1 Answer
Jun 9, 2016


The Socratic app is now available for Android devices!

The app is also available for iOS devices.

You can read about how the app works here.

Download it and let us know what you think!

Original post:

Is Socratic building an app?

Yes! As you know, we care deeply about helping students learn. When we started Socratic in 2013, we wanted to improve what students found when they turned to the Internet for help.

Three years later, this community has far exceeded that goal, and is still creating unbelievable answers every day. For that, students are emphatically grateful.

Every student deserves this experience. And today, when they're struggling, many students turn to their phones for help (some out of convenience; others because they simply don't have access to a desktop computer).

So we’re building an app that will bring the magic of the Socratic website directly to any student with a smartphone.

In the app, we hope to make the learning experience for students as accessible as possible.

We’ve built easier ways to ask a question, and we’ve used machine learning to analyze those questions and take students directly to the most relevant, helpful material—just as a tutor would.

In this way, the app will allow the learning content you create on the Socratic website to reach more students and help them in new ways, and we can’t wait to see just how far we can take this together. More students, more questions, more answers, more learning.

What do you think?