If two fair coins are tossed, what is the probability of getting two heads?

2 Answers
Feb 23, 2016



There are several possibilities:

tail, tail
tail, head
head, tail
head, head

Each of these four outcomes is equally probable, so each has a 1 in 4 chance. So the probability of getting two heads is:

1 in 4=0.25=25%=14

Probabilities are usually given as fractions.

(Now, had the question been "What is the probability of getting one head and one tail?" - the answer would be 2 in 4=0.50=50% or 24=12 because there are two ways for the two coins to yield the mixed results.)

Mar 15, 2017



The probability of getting 2 heads with 2 coins can be broken into 2 steps:

The first coin must show Heads AND
the second coin must show Heads.

P(H,H)=P(H) AND P(H) 'and' means multiply
