How much do you think the ultra complex human body would be worth if we were able to price it, for example in comparison to the expensive asimo robot?

1 Answer
Jul 18, 2016

Warning! Long answer. My estimate is fifty-one million US dollars.


Interestingly, body fluids and tissue are more valuable than body parts.

Here's my calculation, using the most recent prices I could find.

Females are more valuable than males, because they can produce valuable egg cells.

Fluids and Tissue
"Apolipoprotein" color(white)(m)"4.158 g at $3500/mg" color(white)(mll)"$14 553 000"Apolipoproteinm4.158 g at $3500/mgmll$14 553 000
"Bone marrow" color(white)(mm)"1000 g at $23 000/g" color(white)(mm) "$23 000 000"Bone marrowmm1000 g at $23 000/gmm$23 000 000
"Ceruloplasmin" color(white)(mll) "3.066 g at $60/mg" color(white)(mmmm) "$183 960"Ceruloplasminmll3.066 g at $60/mgmmmm$183 960
"DNA" color(white)(mmmmmml) "7.5 g at $1 290 000/g" color(white)(mll) "$9 675 000"DNAmmmmmml7.5 g at $1 290 000/gmll$9 675 000
"Hemoglobin" color(white)(mmll) "1260 g at $1/g" color(white)(mmmmmmml) "$1 260"Hemoglobinmmll1260 g at $1/gmmmmmmml$1 260
"IgG" color(white)(mmmmmmll) "109.2 g at $210/g" color(white)(mmmmml) "$22 932"IgGmmmmmmll109.2 g at $210/gmmmmml$22 932
"Prothrombin" color(white)(mml) "907 mg at $408/mg" color(white)(mmml) "$370 056"Prothrombinmml907 mg at $408/mgmmml$370 056
"Sphingomyelin" color(white)(ml) "5.166 g at $550/g" color(white)(mmmmmll) "$2 841"Sphingomyelinml5.166 g at $550/gmmmmmll$2 841
"Breast milk" color(white)(mmm) "1460 oz at $4/oz" color(white)(mmmmml) "$11 680"Breast milkmmm1460 oz at $4/ozmmmmml$11 680
"Prolactin" color(white)(mmmm) "9 mg at $5780/mg" color(white)(mmmmll) "$52 020"Prolactinmmmm9 mg at $5780/mgmmmmll$52 020
"Lipase" color(white)(mmmmml) "504 U at $1.60/U" color(white)(mmmmmmll) "$806"Lipasemmmmml504 U at $1.60/Ummmmmmll$806
"Transferrin" color(white)(mmm) "22.218 g at $977/g" color(white)(mmmmll) "$21 707"Transferrinmmm22.218 g at $977/gmmmmll$21 707
"Egg cells" color(white)(mmmml) "32 eggs at $35 000/egg" color(white)(ml) "$1 120 000"Egg cellsmmmml32 eggs at $35 000/eggml$1 120 000
color(white)(mmmmmmmmmmmmmm)"TOTAL ="color(white)(m) "$49 015 000"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmTOTAL =m$49 015 000

"Lungs" color(white)(mmmmmmll) "2 at $290 000" color(white)(mmmm) "$580 000"Lungsmmmmmmll2 at $290 000mmmm$580 000
"Heart" color(white)(mmmmmmm) "$119 000" color(white)(mmmmmm) "$119 000"Heartmmmmmmm$119 000mmmmmm$119 000
"Eyeballs" color(white)(mmmmmll) "$1525/pr" color(white)(mmmmmmm) "$1 525"Eyeballsmmmmmll$1525/prmmmmmmm$1 525
"Scalp" color(white)(mmmmmmm) "$607" color(white)(mmmmmmmmmml) "$607"Scalpmmmmmmm$607mmmmmmmmmml$607
"Skull with teeth" color(white)(mm) "$1200" color(white)(mmmmmmmmll) "$1 200"Skull with teethmm$1200mmmmmmmmll$1 200
"Shoulders" color(white)(mmmmm)"2 at $500" color(white)(mmmmmmm) "$1 000"Shouldersmmmmm2 at $500mmmmmmm$1 000
"Coronary arteries" color(white)(m) "2 at $1525" color(white)(mmmmmmll) "$3 050"Coronary arteriesm2 at $1525mmmmmmll$3 050
"Liver" color(white)(mmmmmmml) "$157 000" color(white)(mmmmmm) "$157 000"Livermmmmmmml$157 000mmmmmm$157 000
"Hand and forearm" color(white)(m) "2 at $385" color(white)(mmmmmmmm) "$770"Hand and forearmm2 at $385mmmmmmmm$770
"Blood" color(white)(mmmmmmm) "5 L at $1077/L" color(white)(mmmml)"$5 385"Bloodmmmmmmm5 L at $1077/Lmmmml$5 385
"Spleen" color(white)(mmmmmmll) "$508" color(white)(mmmmmmmmmml) "$508"Spleenmmmmmmll$508mmmmmmmmmml$508
"Stomach" color(white)(mmmmmll) "$508" color(white)(mmmmmmmmmml) "$508"Stomachmmmmmll$508mmmmmmmmmml$508
"Small intestine" color(white)(mmll) "$2519"color(white)(mmmmmmmmm) "$2 519"Small intestinemmll$2519mmmmmmmmm$2 519
"Kidneys" color(white)(mmmmmm) "2 at $262 000" color(white)(mmmml) "$524 000"Kidneysmmmmmm2 at $262 000mmmml$524 000
"Gallbladder" color(white)(mmmm) "$1219" color(white)(mmmmmmmmm) "$1 219"Gallbladdermmmm$1219mmmmmmmmm$1 219
"Skin" color(white)(mmmmmmmll) "1.8 m"^2color(white)(l) "at $1.50/cm"^2 color(white)(ml) "$27 000"Skinmmmmmmmll1.8 m2lat $1.50/cm2ml$27 000
"Pancreas" color(white)(mmmmml) "$140 000" color(white)(mmmmmmll) "$140 000"Pancreasmmmmml$140 000mmmmmmll$140 000
color(white)(mmmmmmmmmmmmmml)"TOTAL = $1 565 000"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmlTOTAL = $1 565 000

Thus the total value of the human body is $50 581 000.

Although this breakdown is illegal, unethical, and impossible, you should no longer feel like a million dollars.

You can now feel like fifty million dollars instead!