How many f orbitals are present in n=3?
1 Answer
As you know, the number of orbitals you get per energy shell is given by the equation
color(blue)("no. of orbitals" = n^2)" "no. of orbitals=n2 , where
Now, the third energy level, characterized by
"no. of orbitals" = 3^2 = 9no. of orbitals=32=9
orbitals. But how many of these orbitals will be f-orbitals?
As it turns out, none.
Each energy level contains a number of subshells given by the angular momentum quantum number,
l = 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1
This means that the third energy level will have a total of three subshells
- one s-subshell, for which
l=0 - one p-subshell, for which
l=1 - one d-subshell, for which
The f-subshell, for which
Therefore, you can say that the third energy level contains no f-orbitals since it contains no f-subhsell.