How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of a chloride ion in table salt?

2 Answers
Jan 18, 2017

8 electrons.


8 valance electrons are a stable structure that allows Chlorine to achieve the same structures as Argon.

The sodium ion in salt has a charge of +1. This is because the electron density of the single valance electron of sodium has been taken for the most part by Chlorine. This give Chlorine 8 electrons.

Feb 7, 2017

There are eight electrons in the outermost energy level of a chloride ion.


Chlorine (atomic number 17) is in the third row of the Periodic Table.

We see that it has 7 electrons in its outermost energy level.

It needs only one more electron to give it an octet of electrons and a noble gas configuration.

Hence, a chloride ion has 8 electrons in its outermost energy level.