You cannot add number which are in different units, so something has to be converted.
Let's convert " " 33 inches to feet and inches and then add.
1 " foot " = 12 " inches"
33 inches = (24 + 9 ) inches = 2 feet and 9 inches (24+9)
color(white)(xxxxx)"feet" color(white)(xx)"inches"
color(white)(xxxxxx)4 color(white)(xxxx)7
color(white)(xxx.x)ul(+2 color(white)(xxxx)9)
color(white)(xxxxxxx) color(white)(xxx)cancel16" "add the inches first. It is more than 12!!
color(white)(xxxxxx) ul(1color(white)(xxxx)4)" " 16 inches to feet and inches. (16 = 12+4)
color(white)(xxxxxx) 7color(white)(xxxx)4" " now add the feet
Answer: 7 " feet " and 4 " inches "