How does knowing the history of the earth relate to the concepts in evolution?

1 Answer
Oct 24, 2017

The history of the earth can be inferred from sedimentary fossils leading to the idea of descent with modification.


Darwin proposed that all life started with a simple one cell organism and has progressed to the complexity levels found in present day organisms. He called this idea descent with modification.

Darwinian evolution requires that there be an increase in complexity as the organism evolved from the simple to the complex. This increase in complexity and information should be reflected in the fossil record of the history of the earth.

There is a general movement in the fossil record from simple animals to more complex animals. The fossil record is used to construct a history of the earth compatible with the Darwinian theory of evolution. The age of the rocks is determined by the type of fossils found in the rocks. This history determined by the fossils is used as support of Darwinian evolution.